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Thursday, August 23, 2007
Results: JMCC Poll of Palestinians finds opposition to final status compromise

A public opinion poll conducted by Jerusalem Media & Communications Center
PO Box: 25047 - Jerusalem
Email: poll@jmcc.org
Website: www.jmcc.org
Poll no. 62 16 - 20 August 2007

Methodology: A random sample of 1199 people over the age of 18 was
interviewed face-to-face throughout the West Bank (759) and Gaza Strip (440)
between 16th and 20th of August 2007.

The margin of error is +/-3 percent, with a confidence level of 95.

Q.1 In general, how optimistic or pessimistic do you feel towards the
future? Could you tell me if you are very optimistic, optimistic,
pessimistic, or very
Very optimistic 7.4 Optimistic 50.7 Pessimistic 27.4
Very Pessimistic 14.1 No answer 0.4

Q.2 How optimistic or pessimistic are you towards reaching a peaceful
settlement for the Arab-Israeli conflict? Could you tell me if you are very
optimistic, optimistic, pessimistic, or very pessimistic?
Very optimistic 4.1 Optimistic 37.9 Pessimistic 35.8
Very Pessimistic 21.5 No answer 0.7

Q. 3 Some believe that a two state formula is the favored solution for the
Israeli - Palestinian conflict while others believe that historic Palestine
cannot be
divided into two states, and thus the favored solution is a bi-national
state on all of Palestine where Palestinians and Israeli enjoy equal
representation and
rights, which of these two solutions do you prefer?

Two- state solution: an Israeli state and a Palestinian state 51.1
Bi -national state on all of historic Palestine 30.0
One Palestinian state * 9.8 Islamic state * 2.3
Other solution 0.5 No solution 5.4
No answer/don't know 0.9 3
* These answers were not included as part of the options read to the

Q4. In general, do you support or oppose the idea of early elections?
I support 57.4 I oppose 37.6 I don't know 4.3 No answer 0.7

Q5. Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the way President (Abu Mazen) is
performing his job as a president of the PNA?
Very satisfied 18.9 Somewhat satisfied 26.4
Somewhat dissatisfied 16.8 Very dissatisfied 34.6
No answer 3.3

Q6. How would you evaluate the performance of the current PM Salam Fayyad
compared with his predecessor the discharged PM Ismail Hanieh?
45.3 Performance of Fayyad is better than performance of Hanieh
23.4 Performance of Fayyad is worse than performance of Hanieh
26.4 There is no difference between the performance of Fayyad and Hanieh
04.9 No answer

Q7. How would you evaluate the performance of the government of Salam Fayyad
in the West Bank at the present time compared with the performance
of Hanieh's government in Gaza; would you say that the performance of Fayyad's
government is better, similar, or worse than the performance of Hanieh's
government ?
46.5 The performance of Fayyad's government is better than the performance
of Hanieh's government
22.8 The performance of Fayyad's government is similar to the performance of
Hanieh's government
24.4 The performance of Fayyad's government is worse than the performance of
Hanieh's government
06.3 No answer

Q8. The recent years witnessed forms of chaos, lack of implementation of the
law, and security and public disorder, in your opinion did these forms
increase, didn't change or did they decrease in Fayyad current government
compared to Hanieh's previous government?
Forms of chaos have Increased 23.0
Didn't change 34.4
Forms of chaos have Decreased 38.3
Don't know\ no answer 4.3

Q9. Do you think that the transparency in Fayyad's government has increased,
decreased, or didn't change if compared to the Hanieh's previous government?
Increased 27.5 Decreased 24.0 Didn't change 41.4
I don't know 6.3 No answer 0.8

Q10. Which of the following parties is more to blame for the internal
fighting in Gaza? Is it Hamas or Fatah?
Fatah 28.4 Hamas and Fatah* 17.5 External elements* 1.5
Internal elements 1.3 Israel* 1.3 Other 0.8
I don't know 4.8 No answer 0.9
* These answers were not included as part of the options read to the

Q11. Following the Internal fighting in Gaza, would you say that your
feeling about your security is better now, or has not changed, or become
It is better now 27.0 Has not changed 36.3 Become worst 34.6
I don't know 1.9 No answer 0.2

Q12- 1 In general, how would you evaluate the situation in Gaza now after
the internal fighting and having Hamas in control of the Gaza strip, has it
better, worse, or has not changed?
The situation is better than Before 27.1 The situation is worse 46.7
Has not changed 21.1 Don't know 4.9 No answer 0.2

Q12-2. How would you evaluate the situation in the West Bank after the
internal fighting in Gaza and the formation of Fayyad's government has
become better, worse, or hasn't change?
The situation is better than before 35.4 The situation is worse 27.9
Has not changed 33.6 Don't know 2.7 No answer 0.4

Q13. The internal fighting in Gaza led to split between the West Bank and
Gaza with the presence of two governments; what is your opinion on the best
solution to end this problem?
27.9 Dialogue between the factions
26.1 To cancel the government of Fayyad and return to the national unity
23.5 To hold early elections
16.9 To cancel the government of Hanieh and enforce the rule of Fayyad's
government over the West Bank and Gaza Strip
03.0 To call on international troops to assume responsibilities in Gaza
01.0 Others
01.5 I don't know
00.1 No answer

Q14. Currently, with one government in Gaza strip and another government in
the West Bank, how long would the current split last?
Less than six months 20.4 Six months 20.8
One year 17.5 Longer than one year 25.7
I don't know 15.0 No answer 0.6

Q15. Which Palestinian Personality do you trust the most?
Mahmoud Abbas 18.3 Ismaeel Hanieh 16.2
Marwan Barghouthi 9.6 Mustafa Barghouthi 3.7
Salam Fayyad 3.5 Khaled Masha'al 2.9
Mahmoud a-Zahar 1.7 Yasser Arafat 1.3
Mohammed Dahlan 1.3 Ahmad Saadat 1.0
Others 9.0 Don't trust any one 29.2
No answer 2.3

Q16. Which Palestinian Faction do you trust the most?
Fatah 34.4 Hamas 21.6 PFLP 2.8
Islamic Jihad 2.1 National Initiative 1.8
Other Islamic parties 2.3 Other parties 2.2
Don't trust any one 29.1 No answer 3.7

Q17. As the Palestinian and Israeli prepare to engage in direct negotiations
that would reach to a final solution to establish a Palestinian state, to
what extent
do you support or oppose each of the following:

1. Reaching a declaration or agreement of principles between both sides that
will deal with the final issues in general terms and postpone the practical
details for later?
Strongly support 15.8 Somewhat support 34.1
Somewhat oppose 22.6 Strongly oppose 26.6
No answer 0.9

2. Any land swap between both sides to reach a final settlement
Strongly support 10.8 Somewhat support 27.2
Somewhat oppose 25.0 Strongly oppose 36.4
No answer 0.6

3. Declaring parts of East Jerusalem as the capital of the future
Palestinian State
Strongly support 11.4 Somewhat support 19.0
Somewhat oppose 24.7 Strongly oppose 42.5
No answer 2.4

Q18. As for the negotiations about the refugee issue which solution do you
68.5 Return of all refugees to their original land.
12.8 Return of all refugees to the Palestinian state (West Bank and Gaza).
11.8 Return of some refugees to their original land, some to the Palestinian
state and compensating others.
06.7 Compensating the refugee for their lost properties and not returning to
00.2 No answer

4. Allowing Israel to keep control of major settlement blocs inside the West
Bank in exchange for equal Israeli land
Strongly support 3.8 Somewhat support 13.6
Somewhat oppose 25.0 Strongly oppose 56.9
No answer 0.7

5. Keeping Israel's authority in the area of Al- Aqsa Mosque
Strongly support 1.8 Somewhat support 3.9
Somewhat oppose 15.4 Strongly oppose 78.1
No answer 0.8

Q19. If presidential elections were held today whom of the following
candidates would you vote for?
Mahmoud Abbas ( Abu Mazen) 20.6
Ismaeel Hanieh 18.8 Marwan Barghouthi 16.6
Mustafa Barghouthi 7.1 Salam Fayyad 5.3
Khaled Mishal 4.5 Mahmoud A- Zahar 2.1
Ahmed Qurei (Abu Ala') 0.6
I will not vote 22.2 No answer 2.2

Q20. If the legislative council elections were held today to which of the
following list would you vote for?
Fatah List 37.9 Change and reform List (Hamas) 23.9
Independent Palestine list (Mustafa Barghouthi and the independents) 4.7
Martyr Abu Ali Mustafa List 3.2 The Third Road List 2.5
Alternative list (DFLP, PPP, FIDA, and independents coalition) 1.8
Freedom and independence List 0.4 Palestine justice List 0.5
Freedom and Social Justice List 0.3 Martyr Abu Abbas List 0.3
The National Coalition for Democratic Justice ( Waed) 0.1
I will not vote 22.1 No answer 2.3

Q21. Do you think that Hamas is stronger in Gaza than it is in West Bank,
Hamas is less strong in Gaza than it is in West Bank, or is it as strong in
Bank as it is in Gaza?
Hamas is stronger in Gaza than it is in the West Bank 77.2
Hamas is less strong in Gaza than it is West Bank 5.1
Hamas is strong in both Gaza and West Bank 12.3
I don't know 4.3
No answer 1.1

Q22. Do you expect the Gaza incident (Internal Fighting) to repeat in West
Bank as well?
Yes 25.9 No 67.9 I don't know 5.8 No answer 0.4

Q23. Do you expect Hamas to take control over West Bank as it did in Gaza?
Yes 14.5 No 79.6 I don't know 5.3 No answer 0.6

Q24. Do you think that the Gaza incident was a result of any of the
following foreign parties interference?
Israel Yes 81.8 No 14.9 No answer 3.3
USA Yes 72.3 No 23.0 No answer 4.7
Iran Yes 54.0 No 38.2 No answer 7.8
Syria Yes 41.9 No 49.9 No answer 8.2

Q25. Do you expect that all the parties will agree once again to the
National Unity government through the national dialogue between Fatah and
46.8 Yes, I expect the parties to agree to the national government
43.8 No, I don't expect parties to agree to the national government
05.3 I don't know
04.1 No answer

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