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Monday, March 10, 2008
Tamir photo op victory: religious Zionists moved from mourner's chair to prisoners' dock

Tamir photo op victory: religious Zionists moved from mourner's chair to
prisoners' dock

Dr. Aaron Lerner Date: 10 March 2008

Minister of Education Yuli Tamir enjoyed a victory this morning over her
despised political and ideological rivals in the religious Zionist camp as
the Israeli media returned them from the mourner's chair to their
traditional position in the prisoner's dock of the court of broadcast news.

By mid morning Israel Radio anchors insisted that before they could express
their views people interviewed from the religious Zionist camp first pay
their dues by condemning the group that gave an unfriendly reception to
Minister of Education Tamir at Mercaz Harav.

Perhaps the most cynical remark today came from Minister of Finance, Ronnie
Bar-On (Kadima), who slammed the religious Zionist camp in an interview on
Israel Radio, saying that "they cannot take claim to the national mourning"
over the murderous attack last week at Mercaz Harav.

Tamir resigned from the Yitzhak Rabin Center for Israel Studies back in 2002
because the Center rejected her position that the Israeli Left had exclusive
claim to the mourning for Rabin and should exploit it to advance their
political agenda.

Dr. Aaron Lerner, Director IMRA (Independent Media Review & Analysis)
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