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Saturday, December 16, 2023
Weekly Commentary: Time for major assault on Houthi military targets - Major steamship lines won't bet their $200 million vessels on the ability of western forces to intercept every Houthi attack

Weekly Commentary: Time for major assault on Houthi military targets - Major
steamship lines won't bet their $200 million vessels on the ability of
western forces to intercept every Houthi attack
Dr. Aaron Lerner 16 December 2023

On December 12th I warned that American supply interests could very well be
next in line for the Houthis' imposed transit restrictions.

Since then, major steamship lines, including MSC, CMA CGM, Maersk and
Hapag-Lloyd, are reported to have decided that they can no longer pass
through the Red Sea.

This is not only hurting Europe.

This will have a disastrous impact on ocean freight service the United

All-water service from the Far East and India to the USA East and Gulf Coast
relies on the Suez Canal to economically reach the Atlantic via the Straits
of Gibraltar.

The alternative of the Panama Canal is essentially irrelevant due to the
drought, which has already slashed the capacity of the Canal.

The remaining expensive alternative of using rail service from the USA West
Coast ports to the Gulf area and East Coast has limited capacity.

Howard Altman reports that a U.S. military official told The War Zone that
"During his visit to the Middle East next week, U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd
Austin will announce the formation of Operation Prosperity Guardian, a new
international effort deal with Houthi threats."

I don't think that the major steamship lines are going to be willing to bet
their $200 million vessels on the ability of an international collection of
naval platforms to intercept every rocket, suicide drone, etc. that the
Houthis send their way.

I sincerely hope that no time is lost, and we are witness to an operation
even greater in magnitude than the April 1988 Operation Praying Mantis
against Iranian targets in the Persian Gulf.

As retired Army Gen. Joseph L. Votel, who commanded CENTCOM from 2016-2019,
told Air & Space Forces Magazine on December 12th, "You could take action
against coastal radars, coastal gun systems, missile systems, those kinds of
sites. There are very clear military targets."
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