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Sunday, January 28, 2024
Talking points: Demilitarized Sovereign Palestinian State is Absurd Idea

Talking points: Demilitarized Sovereign Palestinian State is Absurd Idea
Dr. Aaron Lerner, 28 January 2024

The latest "solution" to ram down Israel's throat - for its own good, of
course - is a demilitarized sovereign Palestinian state.

Some talking points:

#1. The clincher: A sovereign Palestinian state created within the context
of the absolutely most "iron-clad" document with "iron-clad international
guarantees" remains a sovereign state even if it grossly violates the terms
and conditions of the document.

#2. When that sovereign Palestinian state violates the document, a lot of
evil countries will support them both with weapons and military action and
in international forums so that the sovereign Palestinian state can exploit
its sovereignty to serve as a bridgehead in the advancement of the goal of
the destruction of the Jewish State.

#3. The polls of Americans show a dramatic shift against the Jewish State in
the younger generations. The USA vintage 2034 won't be the same country as
the USA vintage 2024 should "iron-clad guarantees" be put to the test.

#4. "Iron-clad guarantees" failed Israel in the past:

US failure to honor "iron-clad guarantee" compelled us to launch the Six-Day
When Israel's naval access to Eilat was blocked by Egypt in 1967, the United
States first claimed that it couldn't find its copy of the "iron-clad
guarantee" it made to Israel in exchange for Israel's withdrawal from the
Sinai after the 1956 War and then dragged its feet with ongoing discussions
of plans to organize an international challenge to the blockade. During most
of the foot-dragging, Israel was warned not to dare and take the initiative.

US failure to honor "iron-clad guarantee" facilitated Egypt's initial
success in the Yom Kippur War:
When Egypt violated the ceasefire agreement brokered by Secretary of State
Rogers on literally the first day of the deal (7 August 1970) by advancing
SAMs to the Suez Canal, the United States announced that it needed time to
"study" Israel's claim. In truth no time was needed since an American spy
plane documented the violation literally the day it happened. The United
States opted never to honor that "iron-clad" guarantee and instead supplied
the IAF with anti-missile gizmos for Israel's jets. That didn't work out,
and as Prime Minister Ariel Sharon noted at the 30 September 2001 memorial
service for the Yom Kippur War, that terrible war was made possible by the
SAMs on the Suez Canal which America opted not to have removed.

#5. Mahatma Gandhi himself could be risen from the grave and appointed the
head of a sovereign Palestinian State, but the population still would be
tainted by generations of government-sponsored brainwashing for the
destruction of the Jewish state.

#6. The assertion that there are demilitarized sovereign countries is
profoundly irrelevant once one takes a look at who these countries are:

Countries with no official military forces: Andorra, Dominica, Grenada,
Kiribati, Liechtenstein, Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia,
Nauru, Palau, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Samoa, Solomon
Islands, Tuvalu, Vatican City, Costa Rica.

Countries with no standing army but having limited military forces: Iceland,
Mauritius, Monaco, Panama, Vanuatu.

So why are people talking about a demilitarized Palestinian state?

Prime Minister Netanyahu might talk of one with the Americans with the idea
that the discussions will ultimately conclude that only an autonomous,
rather than sovereign, Palestinian state can be effectively demilitarized
over time.

Others are simply taking what can best be termed a "leap of faith."

Yossi Beilin best explained this mindset in his March 7, 1997 interview by
Ari Shavit in Haaretz Magazine titled: "Yossi removes his glasses":

"I see myself as an absolute rationalist and I want to live in a rational
world. I very much want to live in a world in which there is a solution to
our existential problems that is possible. I have no proof that this is
indeed the situation. This is like being an optimist. Is an optimist
convinced that the pessimist is always wrong? No. He simply convinces
himself that things will be good. That it will be OK. And then he also does
everything to ensure that he is right. That's the way I am."

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