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Sunday, February 11, 2024
Biden Boosting Bibi - Successful IDF Operation In Rafah To Have Tremendous Significance Thanks To Vocal American Objections

Biden Boosting Bibi - Successful IDF Operation In Rafah To Have Tremendous
Significance Thanks To Vocal American Objections
Dr. Aaron Lerner 11 February 2024

It is difficult to predict just how far the Biden team will be willing to go
in its campaign to prevent Israel from entering Rafah to defeat Hamas.

Threaten to cut off arms supplies?

Threaten to Instruct Israeli banks to freeze the accounts of a hundred
thousand Israelis and bar them from entry to the USA?

Threaten to support UNSC sanctions?

Threaten to unilaterally recognize a sovereign Palestinian state?

The sky is the limit on the threats.

At the same time, there will be American predictions, for the record, of
both a bloodbath involving the over a million Gazans now in Rafah along with
a failure of the IDF to execute an operation which actually succeeds in

So what happens AFTER we successfully complete the operation without the
predicted bloodbath?

Behind closed doors, the leaders of the moderate Sunni world will toast our

And the status of Israel in the region will be boosted even further because
we were able to do it despite the American threats.

In Western eyes, these developments might be seen as weakening America's
standing. But that's not the case when what transpires is seen through a
Middle Eastern perspective which thrives on conspiracy theories.

In Middle Eastern eyes, the Biden team is actually conspiring with the
Jewish State to encourage Hamas to keep its demands ridiculously high so
that Hamas can be destroyed. And the loud American noises against an
invasion of Rafah are seen as subterfuge to cause Hamas to fail to prepare
properly for the IDF operation. This interpretation would also interpret
events as proof of how powerful Israel is as the Biden team collaborates
with it intensively.

To be clear: I do not think that there is a conspiracy.

I believe that the Biden team genuinely does not want Israel to defeat

I believe that the Biden team is convinced that the establishment of a
sovereign Palestinian state in Judea, Samaria, Gaza, and a re-divided
Jerusalem is the key to peace in our time and that "tough love" is needed to
save Israel from itself.

And I understand why the team thinks this.

They aren't alone in their echo chamber.

They are joined by an impressive list of top Israelis who served in key
positions in the army, intelligence, and elsewhere, as well as top Israeli
journalists who share this messianic conviction/delusion.

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