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Wednesday, May 8, 2024
Weekly Commentary: Mr. Biden Has Israel's Back (With a Knife) To Keep Hamas and Hezbollah Safe? Launch Operation Independence

Weekly Commentary: Mr. Biden Has Israel's Back (With a Knife) To Keep Hamas
and Hezbollah Safe? Launch Operation Independence
Dr. Aaron Lerner 9 May 2024

A moment ago the argument was that Netanyahu believed that keeping Hamas in
control of Gaza undermines the "two state solution".

And yet now President Biden and his team are doing everything in their power
KEEP Hamas in power in Gaza.

A moment ago Mr. Biden acted as if he was genuinely concerned that Israel
have the arrangements on the ground to safely evacuate Rafah.

Today we have a "proof of concept" with the successful evacuation of over a
hundred thousand and the supplies in place for all the civilians now in
Rafah. President Biden could take a victory lap for making sure that
everything is set up to evacuate the civilians to safety and call on the
Gazan civilians to literally walk to safety. "Choose life - not death as
human shields for terrorists", he could have declared.

But instead President Biden cuts off weapons supplies for precision attacks
and threatens the Jewish State with more to come if we dare to move to
destroy Hamas.

Now if the policy of the Biden Administration is that Israel cannot destroy
Hamas because of human shields that means that we also cannot get rid of the
hundreds of thousands of Hezbollah rockets and missiles - Iran's insurance
policy - which are protected by human shields.

Whatever the cost we cannot bow to Biden and allow the Hamas army to

We have the wherewithal to so get this done.

But there are greater challenges facing us than Hamas.

And now that it is clear that the Biden administration's policy is to deny
us the ability to take care of Hezbollah and beyond, we urgently need an
alternative to American weapons.

We need to get together our best and the brightest to come up with a
workable emergency domestic defense production program.

People who can think out of the box.

Because the "trick" isn't spending many billions of dollars and a huge
amount of time trying to replicate American platforms.

Our success hinges on coming up with innovative alternative platforms and
tactics which can fulfill the same missions at a fraction of the cost and
fast concept to large scale serial production.

It won't be easy. But if we can make sure that the pencil pushers don't
hold up the building permits and other administrative matters our smart guys
can get the job done

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