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Wednesday, May 15, 2024
Contagious Disruption: How Chinese Communist Party Influence and Radical Ideologies Threaten Critical Infrastructure and Campuses Across the United States

Contagious Disruption: How Chinese Communist Party Influence and Radical
Ideologies Threaten Critical Infrastructure and Campuses Across the United

Executive Summary

This report analyzes the activities and foreign connections of the Shut It
Down for Palestine (SID4P) movement since its formation in October 2023. It
examines SID4P’s use of protests, direct-action initiatives, and
sophisticated media campaigns to advance anti-America and anti-Israel
narratives both online and offline. Additionally, it highlights the
involvement of a network linked to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) that
funds and supports both alternative anti-establishment media organizations
promoting anti¬American narratives, as well as seemingly grassroots activist
movements, such as, and including, SID4P.
Due to its potential to exacerbate social unrest and influence institutional
decision¬making in the U.S., the Network Contagion Research Institute (NCRI)
assesses that this network represents a significant concern to the internal
stability of the United States.

Key Takeaways and Assessment:

1. SID4P’s Emergence: Shut It Down for Palestine (SID4P) is an
anti-capitalist, anti¬police, and anti-government protest movement that
emerged after October 7, 2023. It functions as a hybrid online/real-world
network for mobilizing frequent demonstrations as well as gradually
escalating direct-action campaigns targeting critical infrastructure and
public spaces.

2. SID4P’s ties to CCP-Linked Entities: “Convenors,” or organizations
operating under the SID4P umbrella, are members of the ‘Singham Network’
donor portfolio. The Singham Network is a global web of nonprofits, fiscal
sponsors, and alternative news sources tied to Neville Roy Singham, a known
conduit for CCP geopolitical influence.

3. SID4P’s Funding: The Singham Network exploits regulatory loopholes
in the U.S. nonprofit system to facilitate the flow of an enormous sum of
U.S. dollars to organizations and movements that actively stoke social
unrest at the grassroots level.

4. Alternative Media and Social Media Strategy: Alternative media
outlets associated with the Singham Network have played a central role in
online mobilization and cross-platform social amplification for SID4P.

5. Ties to Extremist Groups: SID4P has ties to extremist groups that
embrace a violent, single-state resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian
conflict. At least one SID4P Convener is linked to the extreme edge of
pro-Palestinian groups operating in the U.S. that advance anti-American and
anti-Jewish agendas.

Assessment: The NCRI finds that the increase in direct-action, targeting
infrastructure and public spaces, is in part driven by organizations
connected to CCP foreign influence efforts. While nominally focused on
Israel, the current protests can be better understood as a well-funded
initiative driving a revolutionary, anti-government, and anti¬capitalist
agenda, with the leading organizations serving as versatile tools for
foreign entities hostile to the U.S. The methods of these organizations
exacerbate societal tensions, polarize the younger generation, and appear to
seek the destabilization of American institutions. NCRI assesses that these
organizations will persist in inciting unrest throughout the summer of 2024
and in the lead-up to the U.S. Presidential election.
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