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Wednesday, May 22, 2024
Who's In Charge UNTIL The Day After In Gaza (in 2025?)

Who's In Charge UNTIL The Day After In Gaza (in 2025?)
Dr. Aaron Lerner, 22 May 2024

The real question isn't who's going to be in charge in Gaza "the day after."

Because "the day after" is after Hamas has been crushed.

And no Israeli official ever claimed that this mission would be completed
any time soon.

So, the operative question is not what entity or combination of entities
will run the Gaza Strip sometime in the future.

The question is who runs the place this afternoon, this summer, and most
likely in 2025 while we continue clearing out Hamas.


It took 264 days to free Mosul (180 square kilometers, around 1.6 million
population, longest terror tunnel around 3.2 kilometers) from ISIS.

The Gaza Strip is twice the size.

And Hamas is exploiting an underground network larger than the London

And they benefit from a huge flow of weapons and ammunition from Egypt which
has yet to be cut off completely.

So, again, the real question is who runs the place until "the day after."

Because if the answer is "no one," Hamas will.

And if the answer is that a local alternative will run the place until "the
day after," they will be slaughtered and Hamas will continue.

And if the answer is some combination of foreign countries, that means a
"permanent ceasefire" with Hamas ultimately in power.

The Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) is
going to have to run the show in the Gaza Strip at least until "the day

This won't win any politician any points.

But them's the breaks.

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