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Tuesday, July 9, 2002
Friday Saudi sermon drops call for death to Jews or use of "mujahidin" term

Friday Saudi sermon drops call for death to Jews or use of "mujahidin" term

[IMRA: It remains to be seen if the lack of a call for death to the Jews in
the 5 July sermon is a one-time-phenomenon. According to the US Government
FBIS report, the call is limited to asking God to "humble infidelity and
infidels". ]

Riyadh Kingdom of Saudi Arabic TV2 in Arabic, official television station of
the Saudi Government, 5 July 2002 at 0935 GMT carries a live sermon from the
holy mosque in Medina.
[FBIS Report]

Shaykh Ali al-Hudhayfi delivers the sermon, which he devotes to "good
manners" in Islam, saying that they mean doing what God orders and avoiding
what He forbids. "Good manners," he adds, mean "piety, devotion, patience,
mercy, obedience, courage, generosity, truth, forbearance, good
neighborliness, modesty, endurance, tolerance, and avoiding cunning,
deception, treason, and sinning."

The imam cites Koranic verses and the prophet's traditions on the
subject. He adds: "Good manners are a blessing for the Muslim and his
society, a high place with God, praise and affection from people, stability
and happiness, facilitation of matters, and good reputation in this world,
and reward in the Hereafter."

The imam continues with the same subject in the second part of the
sermon, urging Muslims to observe the good manners of their religion and to
follow the example of their prophet in order to win in this world and in the

The imam concludes with a prayer to God to support Islam and Muslims
and humble infidelity and infidels. He also calls for unity and love between
Muslims. He prays: "O God, preserve Islam and Muslims in Palestine. O God,
preserve Islam and Muslims in Kashmir. O God, preserve Islam and Muslims in
India. O God, preserve Islam and Muslims in Chechnya. O God, preserve Islam
and Muslims everywhere." [It is observed that the imam avoids using the word
"mujahidin," which he once used in this context]

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