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Tuesday, September 17, 2002
"O God, deal with the Americans, the English, and the Jews " Iraqi sermon 13 September 2002

"O God, deal with the Americans, the English, and the Jews " Iraqi sermon 13
September 2002
[FBIS (US Government service) Report]

Baghdad Republic of Iraq Television in Arabic, official television station
of the Iraqi Government, carries on 13 September 2002 at 0916 GMT a live
sermon from Imam Abu-Hanifah mosque in Baghdad.

Shaykh Dr. Abd-al-Razzaq Abd-al-Rahman al-Sa'di delivers the sermon, which
he begins by hailing the month of Rajab, one of the four months [al-ashhur
al-hurum] in the Muslim calendar year in which Islam forbids fighting.
Today, Friday, 13 September 2002, corresponds to 6 Rajab 1423 Hegira. The
other three are Dhu-al-Qi'dah, Dhu-al-Hijjah, and Muharram. But, he recalls
that Muslims in early Islam were forced to fight when infidels attacked them
in the month of Rajab.
The imam calls on the faithful "everywhere in the world" to understand "the
seriousness of the savage onslaught on Islam and Muslims" and unite against
the US and British aggression. He says Rajab, Sha'ban, and Ramadan are
months of worship. Let us worship and pray to God to remove the injustice
and aggression of the oppressors, he adds.

The imam devotes the second part of the sermon to a general prayer. He
prays: "O God support Islam and Muslims, elevate the word of right and
religion, and support Muslims against infidels." He also prays: "O God,
support your mujahidin subjects everywhere, support them in Palestine, Iraq,
and Afghanistan. O God, make them steadfast, guide their shots, and make
them triumph over Your enemy and their enemy. O God, deal with the
Americans, the English, and the Jews, for they are within Your power. O God,
show us a black day for them. O God, shake the land under their feet, lower
their flags, sink their ships, and shoot down their planes. O God, terrorize
them in their homes. O God, intimidate them, as they intimidate the
peaceful." He also prays for the success of Saddam Husayn in defending
justice and commanding the faithful to victory.

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