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Wednesday, November 27, 2002
DSP Survey of Palestinians--29.3% attacks against Israeli civilians in Israeli cities hurt the cause

DSP Survey of Palestinians--29.3% attacks against Israeli civilians in
Israeli cities hurt the cause

DSP Survey of Palestinians--Public Opinion Poll No. 9
Field Research: 30 October -2 November, 2002 Date of Publication: November
26, 2002
Sample size: 1,200 Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip
Percentage of error: (+ or - 3%)
Development Studies Programme (DSP), Birzeit University
dsp@birzeit.edu http://home.birzeit.edu/dsp/DSPNEW/polls/poll_9/index.html
[Results in percentages]


1. At the present time, how would you describe the economic condition
of your family?
Very good 2.3 Good 13.4 Fair 40.5 Bad 24.5 Very bad 19.3 Don't know/No
opinion 0.1

2. During the past two years, would you say that your family has:
Completely lost its income 28.2 Partially lost its income 55.9
Maintained its income at its original level 15.3 Increased its income 0.6

3. In dealing with the current economic conditions, has your family
been forced to do any of the following: sell property, sell wife's dowry,
borrow money, raise animals, cultivate vegetables/food, ask others for help.

Cuts on expenditures 86.4 Spending all or part of savings 78.2 Borrowing
Selling wife's jewelry or part of it 46.1 Asking others for help 40.2
Resorting to domestic farming and raising livestock 32.6
Selling land or other property 22.2

4. Are you able to secure proper education for your children (or
Yes 20.0 To some extent 26.4 No 53.5

5. Are you confident that would you be able to secure proper health
services in the event a family member falls ill?
Yes 28.6 To some extent 24.9 No 45.9 No opinion 0.6

6. Do you know of any family in your neighborhood that is unable to
provide food for its members?
Yes 56.4 No 43.6

7. If you had the chance to immigrate, would you?
Yes 26.1 No 73.3 Don't know/No opinion 0.6


8. After two years of Intifada, are you satisfied with how it is
Yes 16.8 to some extent 18.6 No 62.5 Don't know/No opinion 2.3

9. Do you even feel that the Intifada is actually continuing?
Yes 80.5 No 14.3 Don't know/No opinion 5.2

10. How do you feel about the Intifada's prospects in terms of serving
the interests of the Palestinian people?
Optimistic 46.3 Somewhat optimistic 18.3 Pessimistic 32.1 No opinion 3.3

11. Do you believe that attacks against Israeli civilians in Israeli
cities will lead to
Positive results for the Palestinian cause 45.8
Negative results for the Palestinian cause 29.3
Neither a negative nor a positive result for the Palestinian cause 18.6
No opinion 6.3

12. In Gaza, a clash took place between the Palestinian National
Authority (PNA) and Islamic factions (Hamas). Who is responsible for these
PNA 26.9 Hamas 6.5 PNA & Hamas 45.2 No opinion 22.00

13. Do you feel that the PNA has the right to take all necessary measures
to preserve public order in PNA-controlled areas?
Yes 75.2 No 17.3 No opinion 6.5

14. Do you feel that the Gaza clashes are a sign that there will be
further conflict between the PNA and Hamas?

Yes 39.7 No 45.00 No opinion 15.3


15. In your own community, are the following statements true?

Solidarity among people in Community 75.0
Problems between people tend to increase 74.5
I left politics to politicians 72.3
No one obeys/follows the laws 71.6
I know someone who cannot afford medical treatment for his/her family
because they are poor 69.2
Nowadays townspeople help each other 68.9
No police to resolve conflicts 54.4
Less violence is involved in resolving conflict 49.7
Local council plays an efficient role in serving people 48.7

16. The Palestinian people face a number of important community issues.
Some people feel these issues are important while others feel they are not.
In your opinion, how important is it for Palestinian leadership to address
the following issues? (% saying very important or important)
Unemployment 96.7 Poverty 95.3 Juvenile delinquency 92.5
Corruption in PNA Institutions 91.6 Commercial Cheating 91.4
Doctors' carelessness about patients 91.3 Uncleanness 91.0
Chaos 89.5 Drugs 88.1 Crime rate 87.6 Internal violence 87.1
Inefficiency of PNA institutions 86.5 Environmental pollution 82.8
Smoking 78.5 Migration 73.8 Status of Women 70.0

17. In your opinion, which is the most important Issue of those listed
Poverty 17.4 Corruption in PNA Institutions 17.1 Unemployment 15.3
Drugs 13.8 Internal violence 8.8 Doctors' carelessness about patients 5.4
Juvenile delinquency 5.2 Inefficiency of PNA institutions 3.0
Chaos 2.9 Uncleanness 1.5 Commercial Cheating 1.3
Crime rate 1.2 Smoking 0.9 Status of Women 0.7
Environmental pollution 0.5

Reform and Elections
18. Do you believe that the new ministerial cabinet will make a positive
contribution to the achievement of the following? (% saying Yes)

Improving the image of the Palestinians in international media 49.1
Improving the performance of PNA institutions 41.9
Reducing corruption 40.7 Improving the economic conditions 38.8
Terminating the Israeli occupation 27.4

19. In the present phase, do you think that institutional reform is:
Important 80.9 Somewhat important 10.0
Not important 7.3 Do not know 1.9

20. Do you think that the reform process (if implemented) will benefit
the Palestinian Question?
Yes 73.7 To some extent 15.7 No 7.3 Don't know 3.3

21. Do you support or oppose the creation of a Prime Minister's position,
in addition to that of the president?
Support 56.8 Oppose 30.0 Don't know 13.2

22. Legislative elections are being considered for January 2003. Given
the current situation, do you support or oppose the conduct of such
Support 58.3 Oppose 32.6 Not Sure 9.2

23. Local council elections are being considered for March 2003. Given
the current situation, do you support or oppose the conduct of such
Support 71.6 Oppose 20.9 Not Sure 7.6

24. If legislative elections take place as proposed, would you
Support 64.6 Oppose 28.9 Not Sure 6.4

25. Which of the following electoral systems do you support for the next
legislative elections:
Simple majority 41.6 Proportional 36.9 Don't know 21.5

The American Road Map and Iraq
26. Do you think that an attack on Iraq is imminent?
Yes 47.8 Maybe Yes Maybe No 23.6
No 19.9 Do not know 8.7

27. Do you think that the number of victims in such a war will be in the:
Hundreds 7.7 Thousands 33.9 10s of thousands 19.00
100s of thousands 25.3 other figure 17.00

28. Last week the US proposed an initiative called a "road map" that
calls for a final solution to the conflict on the basis of two states. Have
you heard about this initiative?
Yes 46.80 No 48.4

29. In general, would you support or oppose the PNA's acceptance of these
Support 21.7 Support parts and oppose parts 63.2
Oppose 13.7 no opinion 1.4

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