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Monday, June 2, 2003
Bush initiative: United terrorist force armed and trained for next round against Israel

Bush initiative: United terrorist force armed and trained for next round
against Israel

Aaron Lerner Date: 2 June 2003

#1 Abu Mazen to integrate the terrorists with their weapons into PA security

"Abu Mazen's plans are known: rather than suppressing Hamas by force and
collecting its weapons, he almost certainly intends to bring armed group
members into the Palestinian security forces. They, and their weapons, will
be distributed among various units, and therefore, Abu Mazen will be able to
declare that he has succeeded in establishing a single government and a
single law in the Palestinian territories."
Danny Rubinstein "The price set by Hamas" Ha'aretz 2 June 2003

#2 Palestinians being familiarized with advanced anti-terror methods =
better able to defend against IDF next round

"Fighters in the Palestinian General Intelligence Service - that is under
the control of Yasser Arafat - are being trained in anti-terror battle
techniques in Jericho.

The fighters are participating in an advanced Anti-Terror Battle course
within which they are specially trained in techniques to overcome terrorists
located inside buildings or terrorists who have taken hostages. The force
is headed by Brig. Gen. Tawfiq Terawi, who is wanted by Israel on suspicion
of aiding terror and who is hiding now in the mukata (AL: Arafat's office)
in Ramalla. One of the commanders of the course is also wanted by Israel.

The members of Preventive Security, under Abu Mazen's control, are getting
similar training in Jericho from the American CIA. All the courses are
taking place in Jericho since this is the only city not under IDF control."
Ronnie Shaked, Yediot Ahronot 2 June 2003


When U.S. President George W. Bush turned the screws on Israel for some
photo-ops for his presidential campaign, the last thing he thought he was
doing was pressing for the creation of an integrated Palestinian terrorist
force armed and trained for the next round of battle against the Jewish
State. But that is what is happening.

It is only a matter of time before the security experts roll their eyes as
they explain that it was obvious to anyone with working gray matter between
their ears that when you take the highly motivated, ideologically driven,
locally popular terrorist heroes of Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Tanzim and
integrate them into the PA forces that they will become the dominant force
and leadership in the united PA security force.

A force armed to the teeth with equipment from CIA, local weapons
manufacturing programs and foreign suppliers (thanks to Egypt's benign
neglect of the arms smuggling tunnels originating inside its borders):
anti-tank missiles, anti-aircraft missiles, ground-to-ground missiles,
mortars, mines, etc., along with CIA provided jamming and listening
equipment to thwart Israeli operations.

The only question that remains: which comes first? The 2004 elections or
the next round of battle at a considerably higher cost to Israel when
negotiations break down or the terror becomes unbearable.

Dr. Aaron Lerner, Director IMRA (Independent Media Review & Analysis)
(mail POB 982 Kfar Sava)
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