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Monday, November 3, 2003
Egyptian grand shaykh: Islamic law sees suicide-bombers as martyrs

Egyptian grand shaykh: Islamic law sees suicide-bombers as martyrs
[With thanks to www.mideastweb.org/mewnews1.htm ]

Alexandria, 2 November: The Grand Shaykh of Al-Azhar Muhammad Sayyid Tantawi
announced on Sunday [2 November] that suicide-bombers who are defending
their land are seen as martyrs in Islamic shari'ah law.

Anybody blowing himself up in the face of an the occupiers of his land is a
martyr, said Shaykh Tantawi in response to a question about the Islamic
shari'ah stance over the Palestinians who blow up their bodies against the

He stressed, however, that Islam did not allow the killing of innocent
civilians and children but only invaders and aggressors.

Shaykh Tantawi also said that Islam allows married couples to agree on a
hiatus between one child and another so that the mother would fully recover
and restore her physical strength.

Source: MENA news agency, Cairo, in English 2111 gmt 2 Nov 03

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