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Monday, April 19, 2004
Bennie Begin: I was in the minority a decade ago - and correct

Bennie Begin: I was in the minority a decade ago - and correct
Aaron Lerner Date: 19 April 2004

Bennie Begin appeared on Nissim Mishal's interview program on Israel
Television Channel Two this evening to attack the "disengagement plan" as a

"It isn't disengagement," Begin argued, noting that under the plan Israel
will continue to be involved with the Gaza Strip, "it is only a settlement
uprooting plan. And uprooting settlements will only encourage the terrorists
to continue in their efforts."

Begin warned that the withdrawal would only bring more terror and criticized
the attempts of some to paint a rosy picture.

Then Nissim Mishal threw Begin the pitch: "But Bennie Begin, there are so
many former prime ministers and chiefs of staff and others who are certain
that the disengagement plan is good. How can so many people be wrong?"

Begin replied: "But Mr. Mishal, a decade ago there were so many former prime
ministers and chiefs of staff and others who were certain about Oslo and
they were wrong - and I was right. I am right again."

Dr. Aaron Lerner, Director IMRA (Independent Media Review & Analysis)
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