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Monday, May 3, 2004
Arab Secretariat for Arab Parties - US & Israel Consider Resistance Terror and Vice Versa

Arab Secretariat for Arab Parties - US & Israel Consider Resistance Terror
and Vice Versa
Damascus, May. 3 (SANA-Official Syrian News Agency)

The General Secretariat of the Arab Parties held Monday its 20th session
under the name of / Sheikh Ahmad Yassin/ Course which was headed by Chairman
of the Arab Parties Conference Isaac Farhan.

In a speech delivered by Farhan, he underlined that the conference which
includes representatives for Arab and political parties is a turning point
in our political life that faces threats and complications.

He also rejected the so-called the age of America and Zionism which
considers legitimate resistance as terrorism and vice versa.

For his part, Secretary General of the Arab Socialist Union Party in Syria
Safwan al-Qudsi said that holding this conference in Syria has many
indications , particularly within the current circumstances.

He asserted Syria's firm stances under the leadership of President Bashar
al-Assad towards national and pan-Arab issues.
He also pointed out that the Arab nation has rich cultures and civilization
to face the ongoing events firmly.

The two-day conference is scheduled to review the political situations in
the Arab countries and support the Arab steadfastness, particularly in Syria
and Lebanon against the aggressive schemes .

It will also discuss the so-called greater middle east initiative , the
forthcoming Arab summit and foreign claims on reform in the Arab world.


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