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Sunday, December 5, 2004
PLO Seeks 'Timetable' for Implementing 'Roadmap'

PLO Seeks 'Timetable' for Implementing 'Roadmap'
Israel Urged to Take "Urgent Measures" to Lift Siege, Closure

Palestine Media Center - PMC (Official PA website)

The PLO Executive Committee on Saturday affirmed its commitment to the peace
process, urged a balanced, simultaneous and reciprocal implementation of the
UN-adopted "roadmap" for peace in the Middle East, and reiterated the
Palestinian demand that Israel's unilateral plan for "disengagement" from
the Gaza Strip be an integral part of the Quartet-drafted blueprint.

In a statement released following a meeting by the Executive Committee of
the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in the West Bank city of
Ramallah, the Palestinian leadership demanded a "timetable" for implementing
the roadmap under the supervision of the Quartet of the US, UN, EU and
Russian mediators.

PLO chief Mahmud Abbas chaired the meeting, which was also attended by Prime
Minister Ahmad Qurei, and Minister of local government Jamal Al-Shobaki.

The PLO demanded that Israel take "urgent measures" to lift the siege and
closure it is imposing on the Occupied Palestinian Territory, end its
military incursions, and stop its extra-judicial killing policy in order to
facilitate Palestinian elections, the statement said.

Local elections are scheduled for December 23, presidential elections for
January 9 and legislative polls for mid-2005.

PLO Chairman Abbas briefed the Committee on his latest meetings with
Palestinian anti-occupation factions in Gaza City and confirmed that
national dialogue will continue until the Palestinian house is put in order.

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