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Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Anti-British hate propaganda on PA controlled TV

Special Information Bulletin
Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center
at the Center for Special Studies (C.S.S) May, 2005

Anti-British hate propaganda on Palestinian TV: the Palestinian
Authority-controlled TV station
broadcast a vicious anti-British sermon delivered by sheikh Ibrahim
a symbol of Palestinian incitement.

For video: www.intelligence.org.il/eng/sib/5_05/img/britain_s.wmv

"We take this opportunity to hold Britain accountable.It is impossible for
us to forget our revenge against Britain "

Hamas and is one of the PA's most outspoken anti-Israeli hate mongers . He
was conspicuous during the Arafat era for his frequent verbal assaults on
Israel , the Jewish people and the United States . His sermons, delivered at
the Zaid Bin Sultan Aal Nahyan mosque in Gaza , are predominantly
anti-Semitic. PA-supervised Palestinian TV broadcasts them live on Fridays.

two weeks when Abu Mazen became Chairman of the PA. However, on Friday, May
13, 2005, on the occasion of the 57 th anniversary of the naqba , 1
Palestinian television broadcast his extremist sermon live. It was crudely
and viciously anti-Semitic. It included a section of hate propaganda against
Britain , calling for revenge of Britain 's historical treatment of
Palestine [sic].

anti-Israeli and anti-Semitic hate propaganda are still occasionally spread
by its official media . Moreover, as of this posting, the PA has not taken
effective steps to deal with the wider circle of incitement in the mosques
(including the Temple Mount mosques) and the educational system,
particularly the universities , where incitement is rife, including against
the Palestinian Authority itself .

The following is the translation of the relevant section relating to
relating to Britain . The translation of other anti-Semitic sections will
soon be available at our Website, www.intelligence.org.il/eng/ ).

"We take this opportunity to hold Britain accountable and say there is
revenge we can never forget! We cannot forgo the revenge we want to exact
from Britain . We hold Britain responsible for what happened in Palestine .
Britain is the cause, till this very minute, of every drop of blood dripping
into this land."

"I say to you: You must look at our situation with an outlook of confidence
in Allah's victory! If you help Allah [spread Islam], Allah will bring you
victory. We once ruled the world and the day will come when, by god, we will
rule the entire world. The day will come when we will rule the United
States, the day will come when we will rule Britain, we will rule the whole
world [and all will live in peace and comfort under our rule] except the
Jews. The Jews will not live in peace and comfort under our rule. Treachery
will keep being their nature throughout history. The day will come when the
whole world will rid itself of the Jews."

1 Al-naqba means "catastrophe." The Palestinians use it to refer to the
events of 1948 which led to the establishment of the State of Israel.

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