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Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Israeli Official: Building Gaza Port But Will Work Out Controls Before Finished

Israeli Official: Building Gaza Port But Will Work Out Controls Before

Aaron Lerner Date: 10 August 2005

In response to MK Binyamin Netanyahu's warning today that if the Gaza Port
is opened that Gaza will be flooded with weapons, a "senior Israeli
Government source" told Israel Radio this afternoon that while Israel has
agreed to allow the Palestinians to build the Gaza Port that before the port
is finished proper arrangements will be made to insure that smuggling does
not take place and that Israel will not allow the port to open if such
arrangements have not be made.

There was no indication in the report broadcast on Israel Radio if the
Israel Radio correspondent asked the "source" if they considered the
possibility that when the port is completed that Israel may find itself in
diplomatic situation that the world community that contributed to build the
port will support the Palestinian rejection of Israeli "demands" and various
nations simply challenge the Israeli naval blockade.

It should be noted that while Israel does carry out various simulations that
the goals of the "red team" are rarely in line with what policy critics warn
they are. For example, those simulating the leadership of the Palestinian
side in such simulations typically are not trying to manipulate the
situation to be able to engage in a war of attrition while enjoying cover as
weak. Instead the simulations assume that the Palestinian leaders actually
want peace with Israel to eternity etc. but are weak.

Dr. Aaron Lerner, Director IMRA (Independent Media Review & Analysis)
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