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Friday, March 10, 2006
Polls: Kadima 34-38 Labor 18-20 Likud 14-18 NRP/Nat'l Union 8-10; 37% support unilaterally evacuating settlements

Polls: Kadima 34-38 Labor 18-20 Likud 14-18 NRP/Nat'l Union 8-10; 37%
support unilaterally evacuating settlements
Aaron Lerner Date: 10 March 2006

#1 Telephone poll of a representative sample of 501 adult Israelis
(including Arab Israelis) carried out by the Smith Institute for the
Jerusalem Post on 9 March 2006 and published on 10 March.

#2 Telephone poll of a representative sample of 578 adult Israelis
(including Arab Israelis) carried out by Maagar Mohot ("Brain Trust") for
Israel Radio's "Its all Talk" on 8 March 2006

#3 Telephone poll of a representative sample of 506 adult Israelis
(including Arab Israelis) carried out by Teleseker for Maariv on 8 March
2006 Published in Maariv on 10 March.

#4 Telephone poll of a representative sample of 500 adult Israelis
(including Arab Israelis) carried out by Dahaf for Yediot Ahronot on or
before 8 March
2006 Published 10 March.

#5 Telephone poll of a representative sample of adult Israelis (including
Arab Israelis) carried out by Dialogue for Haaretz on or before 8 March
2006. Published in Haaretz on 9 March.

[Knesset election vote expressed in mandates[current in brackets]
#1 #2 #3 #4 #5
34.5 35 38 37 37 [00] Kadima
17.5 15 17 14 17 [40] Likud
18.0 19 19 20 19 [22] Labor
00.0 01 00 00 00 [15] Shinui (both the party and the break-away party)
09.5 08 09 11 10 [11] Shas
09.5 08 09 08 08 [08] Arab parties
04.5 04 05 06 04 [06] Yachad [Meretz]
09.5 09 09 08 10 [07* & 6] National Union & NRP
09.5 10 09 10 08 [07*] Yisrael Beiteinu [Lieberman]
05.5 06 05 06 05 [05] Yahadut Hatorah
---- 01 -- --- 02 [00] Green Leaf (legalize hashish)
* National Union & Yisrael Beiteinu together have 7 seats
** 17.5 = 17-18
Maagar Mochot also asked: Who would you prefer as prime minister: Olmert,
Netanyahu or Peretz?
Olmert 37.2% Netanyahu 20.6% Peretz 17.1% Other replies 25.1%

Dialogue also asked:

Do you support or oppose the plan of Kadima to evacuate settlements
unilaterally as Avi Dichter proposed this week? [IMRA: Dichter indicated
that the IDF would continue to control the area while Olmert indicated in
weekend interviews that he plans to carry out a complete retreat]
Support 37% Oppose 49% Other 14%

Do you agree with the initiative in the Likud to make a Likud-Labor-Right
coalition to stop Kadima?
Strongly yes 6.5% Yes 15% Not so much 23% Not at all 36% Don't know 20%

Dahaf also asked:

Who is most appropriate to be prime minister: Olmert, Netanyahu or Peretz?
Olmert 31% Netanyahu 25% Peretz 16%

Dr. Aaron Lerner, Director IMRA (Independent Media Review & Analysis)
(mail POB 982 Kfar Sava)
Tel 972-9-7604719/Fax 972-3-7255730
INTERNET ADDRESS: imra@netvision.net.il
Website: http://www.imra.org.il

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