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Monday, April 3, 2006
Mazuz annuls IDF-Hebron settlers agreement

Mazuz annuls IDF-Hebron settlers agreement

[IMRA: Attorney General Menachem Mazuz played a key role in both encouraging
the retreat from Gaza (with what was perceived as a policy of not indicting
Mr. Sharon as long as he continued with the retreat) and insuring the
victory of the Kadima Party (he declined to term Mr. Sharon to be
permanently unable to fulfill his duties as PM despite his medical condition
with the result being acting PM Olmert went to the elections as the acting
PM rather than as a member of the loyal opposition with Netanyahu serving as
PM). Critics note that Mr. Olmert has a closet full of cases that Mazuz can
pick from if the AG should feel it necessary to "encourage" Olmert to
continue with the retreats come-what-may.]

Attorney general says deal struck between Hebron Jews, Brig. General Yair
Golan, which states that settlers who evacuated Hebron market willingly may
return at later date, is invalid. Jewish settlement in Hebron: Inconceivable
that agreement will be breached

Tal Rosner YNET 3 April 2006

Attorney General Menachem Mazuz said Monday that any agreement between the
IDF and the settlers regarding the market in Hebron is invalid and can not
be relied upon.

In a letter to Meretz Mk Ran Cohen, who inquired about the issue, Mazuz also
revealed that the head of the Judea and Samaria Division Yair Golan was
reprimanded by the Chief of Staff Dan Halutz, who did not support the
Hebron Market

One day before the Amona evacuation the settlers who invaded the market in
Hebron were evacuated. There were several families that evacuated without
resistance, claiming that they had an agreement with the IDF that if they
evacuate calmly they would be able to return to the place at a later date.

After petitioning the High Court, the state made it clear to the settlers
that such a promise was never given and the legal aspect will be examined
without a time-table and without any pre-arranged commitments. The settlers
kept on insisting that they had reached an agreement with the IDF.

Following inquiries by the attorney general it was revealed that such an
agreement was indeed reached between the settlers and the IDF. However, it
is not clear if it was put in writing. The agreement was reached without the
approval of the political echelon, causing Mazuz to render it invalid,
saying the IDF and the state are not obligated to uphold it.

Jewish settlers in Hebron refuse to believe

Spokesman of the Jewish Community in Hebron, Noam Arnon said in response,
"We fulfilled our part and will continue to do so. It is inconceivable that
officials of the State of Israel will breach the agreement, be it an oral
agreement or in writing."

A member of the Jewish settler community in Hebron told Ynet that "we have a
signed agreement with the IDF, and it was signed by a very high-ranking IDF

It should be noted that Mazuz already made it clear to the settlers back in
January that evacuating the market in Hebron was their choice and the move
is not conditioned by a compromise or any concession by the government.
Mazuz also said that the state was not obligated to re-settle the market in

Efrat Weiss also contributed to the story

(04.03.06, 11:04)

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