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Wednesday, June 21, 2006
In a security forces operation tonight, June 20th 2006, Imad Abu Hamad, head of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades organization in the Gaza Strip, was injured in an IDF aerial attack


In a security forces operation tonight, June 20th 2006, Imad Abu Hamad, head
of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades organization in the Gaza Strip, was injured
in an IDF aerial attack

As part of the continuous effort of security forces to target terrorists in
the Gaza Strip, IDF forces targeted Imad Mahmad Ibrahim Abu Hamad, 36,
resident of Gaza city, who directed terror attacks against Israel and was
deeply involved in the funding and establishing of the organization's rocket
launching capabilities.

Hamad, a former intelligence officer in the Palestinian police, had
undergone extensive military and surveillance training. He began his
activity against Israel in the early 90s, when he served in Fatah's shock
troops in northern Gaza. During his time he recruited and trained many
military units.

In 2002 Hamad began operating under the command of Jammal Abu Samhadana in
the" Popular Resistance Committees" organization. In this role he
established close contacts with Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon, and with
several activists in Gaza and in the West Bank.

In mid 2004 Abu Hamad returned to operate in the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades
organization, establishing himself as a central contact between Hezbollah
and the 'Al Aqsa' infrastructure in the field. During this time Abu Hamad
pursued and directed various terror activities, among them attempts to
kidnap Israeli civilians. He also gathered intelligence on the locations of
Israeli forces and civilians for future attacks.

On Passover eve on April 12th 2006, Abu Hamad was responsible for
dispatching two armed gunmen who were killed on their way to carry out an
attack inside an IDF base located near the security fence between the Gaza
Strip and Israel.

Abu Hamad is also known to have smuggled large amounts of weaponry into the
Gaza Strip, for the use of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades.

Recently, Abu Hamad was involved in an attempt to carry out a large scale
terror attack at the Karni crossing and in attempts to smuggle suicide
bombers into Israel through Sinai.

The IDF is determined to continue its battle against the terror
organizations. The responsibility for the continued rocket fire from the
Gaza Strip lies with the leadership of the Palestinian Authority.

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