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Sunday, July 9, 2006
PM Olmert slams Sderot mayor for complaining about Qassams, explains IDF acting now not because Ashkelon hit but because rocket range extended

[IMRA: "The prime minister rejected recent accusations that the government
cared more about the threat faced by residents of Ashkelon that the
condition of the population of Sderot.

Olmert, speaking in the weekly cabinet meeting, said that because the range
of Kassams was increasing the army had begun operations to counter the
rocket fire. "

= the Sderot residents have chutzpah to complain that the Olmert
administration didn't realy care that they were being bombarded by rockets.
After all, it is their own fault that Sderot is located closer to Gaza than
Ashkelon. All the crybabies in Sderot had to do to get equal treatment was
move Sderot away from the Gaza Strip so that when it was hit by rockets it
would be by longer range rockets that deserved the attention of the Olmert

PM willing to deal with 'moderate' Palestinian leaders
Post.com Staff, THE JERUSALEM POST Jul. 9, 2006


While Prime Minister Ehud Olmert in Sunday's cabinet meeting ruled out a
prisoner swap with Hamas, he noted that he has expressed willingness in the
past to release Palestinian prisoners in a deal with moderate Palestinian

Olmert's comments could indicate the possibility of an indirect deal to win
the release of a captive IDF Cpl. Gilad Shalit.
Olmert told the cabinet that he had been considering a prisoner release long
before Shalit was kidnapped on June 25, but said that such a deal could only
take place with moderate Palestinians.

"It's not a secret before the kidnapping that we would free prisoners. But
we intended to release them to moderate elements and not to terrorist
elements," Olmert said, according to meeting participants.

"We haven't yet succeeded, but we need patience," Defense Minister Amir
Peretz added, referring to the IDF's objectives in Gaza. Peretz said that
the operations begun by the army last Thursday would continue and would
entail incursions and withdrawals. "The operation will focus on Kassam
launch sites and on areas in which the army suspects tunnels have been dug."

"The army is working gradually, according to plan," Peretz explained, "While
increasing the pressure [on Hamas] to secure Gilad Shalit's unconditional

"This is a war, and it can't be assigned a timetable," Olmert said. The
prime minister reiterated that Israel would not negotiate with the Hamas,
stressing that negotiating with the kidnappers of IDF Cpl. Gilad Shalit
would encourage future kidnappings.
Olmert also said in Sunday's meeting that it was time that the heads of
Israel's southern communities demonstrate leadership in the face of
uncertain security conditions, rather than just "making demands on the

The prime minister rejected recent accusations that the government cared
more about the threat faced by residents of Ashkelon that the condition of
the population of Sderot.

Olmert, speaking in the weekly cabinet meeting, said that because the range
of Kassams was increasing the army had begun operations to counter the
rocket fire.

The cabinet meeting followed a reported attack on an Aksa Martyrs' Brigades
cell by the IAF. Palestinians said that four operatives were wounded in the
attack in Gaza City. The army has not confirmed the report.

Earlier Sunday, four people were wounded - one moderately and three
lightly - when one of two rockets launched at Sderot hit a house.

The wounded included a male in his 40s who sustained shrapnel wounds to the
chest. He underwent surgery at the Barzilai Hospital in Ashkelon. Three
other people were suffering from shock and were also evacuated to Barzilai.

The second rocket landed in open territory in the city. No one was wounded
and no damage was reported as a result of the impact. Following the rocket
fire, the IDF resumed shelling Kassam launch sites in northern Gaza.

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