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Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Abbas forced to drop anti-Kassam plan

Abbas forced to drop anti-Kassam plan
Khaled Abu Toameh, THE JERUSALEM POST Aug. 21, 2006

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas was forced earlier this week
to call off plans to deploy PA security personnel in the northern Gaza Strip
when several armed groups, including militias from his own Fatah movement,
threatened to attack these forces, PA officials here told The Jerusalem Post
on Monday.

Abbas had planned to deploy several hundred PA policemen and security
officers in an attempt to stop the armed organizations from firing rockets
at Israel, the officials said, noting that the proposed move had won the
backing of the US and Israel.

"Those who are firing Kassam rockets at Israel from the northern Gaza Strip
are acting against the interests of the Palestinian people and are providing
Israel with an excuse to continue its aggression in the Gaza Strip," said
one official. "President Abbas has a serious plan aimed at stopping the
rocket attacks, but the armed groups are refusing to cooperate."

Last week, Abbas announced that the Palestinian factions in the Gaza Strip
had accepted his call for a unilateral cease-fire with Israel. The
announcement came after a series of meetings Abbas held in Gaza City with PA
Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh and a number of Hamas officials.

Another PA official told the Post that Hamas was the only group that had
accepted Abbas's proposal to halt rocket attacks. "The main problem we have
is with Fatah's armed wing, the Aksa Martyrs Brigades, and with Islamic
Jihad, which have rejected the cease-fire proposal," he said.

According to the official, Abbas and the rest of the Fatah leadership have
almost no control over the various Fatah militias operating in the Gaza
Strip. "Fatah has at least seven or eight armed groups in the Gaza Strip and
some of them are receiving financial aid from Hizbullah, Syria and Iran," he
said. "The situation in the Gaza Strip is very problematic."

A statement issued by the Aksa Martyrs Brigades in Gaza City said the group
"categorically rejects plans to deploy Palestinian security forces in the
northern Gaza Strip." According to the group, the plan would have "negative"
implications for Palestinians because it is aimed at protecting Israeli
"settlements" inside Israel proper from rockets.

"How can we stop the rocket attacks while Israel is continuing to attack our
people from the air, land and sea?" the group asked. "Why should we give
Israel free gifts at a time when its army is perpetrating ugly crimes
against our people in the Gaza Strip?"

Hamas's armed wing, Izaddin Kassam, said in a separate statement that
"Palestinian policemen will never again serve as defenders of Israel." It
continued, "The Palestinians' armed groups and the security forces were
established to protect the Palestinian people, and not Israel. The
Palestinian security forces can only be deployed in the northern Gaza Strip
if Israel halts its attacks and incursions [into the Strip]."

The leaders of three other armed groups - the Popular Resistance Committees,
Islamic Jihad and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine - also
announced their strong opposition to the deployment of PA security forces in
the northern Gaza Strip and warned Abbas against trying to stop the rocket
attacks on Israel.

Meanwhile, PA Attorney-General Ahmed al-Mughni said the authority's leaders
and security forces were responsible for the growing state of anarchy and
lawlessness in the Strip. "The security chaos crisis is a general problem
and is the result of a lack of respect for the rule of law," he said.

He blamed unruly militias and the absence of a strong judicial system, as
well as rivalries between the various factions, for the anarchy in Gaza.

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