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Friday, July 27, 2007
Ramon proposes major withdrawal in return for photo-op "accord on the principles of final status agreement"

[Dr. Aaron Lerner - Ramon suggests a return to the "Beilin-Mazen" ploy.

For years the so-called "Beilin-Mazen" agreement was cited by withdrawal
proponents as proof that a deal could be reached. This despite the fact
that "Beilin-Mazen" "solved" thorny issues such as Jerusalem and refugees by
providing for committees to solve the issues.

Ramon proposes to carry out a major withdrawal apparently creating a
sovereign Palestinian state without even ever completing a final agreement
with the Palestinians. After the withdrawal the Palestinians can revert to
"armed struggle" if they don't get what they want at the negotiating table.

Ramon apparently realizes this fatal flaw and tries to paper it over by
suggesting that foreign forces will somehow depend the Jewish State from
Palestinian attacks. This even if the Palestinians make a case in world
forums that "Israeli intransigence" at the negotiating table leaves them no

Ramon: We should move quickly on final status accord of principles

By Haaretz Service and The Associated Press Last update - 08:39 27/07/2007

Vice Premier Haim Ramon said Friday that Israel should move quickly to
secure an accord on the principles of final status agreement with the

"I believe right now we have a partner," said Ramon. "I don't know for how
long, so we must move quickly."

Ramon, one of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's closest political allies, told
Israel Radio that he supported a withdrawal from most of the West Bank,
except for large settlement blocs. He suggested NATO forces could replace
Israeli troops in the areas evacuated.

"In my eyes, the occupation of the territories threatens our very existence,
our legitimacy and our international standing," Ramon said in the radio

Ramon would not specify the scope of the proposed pullout, but said he
believes Israel should begin negotiations with Palestinian Authority
Chairman Mahmoud Abbas on the principles of a final status agreement.

Recent weeks have seen a flurry of diplomatic activity between Israel and
Abbas, who has been ruling the West Bank since the Islamic group Hamas
seized power in Gaza in mid-June.

Olmert confirmed Wednesday that he intends to engage in negotiations with
Abbas on the formation of a Palestinian state.

Olmert was responding to a Haaretz report, according to which he offered to
hold negotiations toward an "Agreement of Principles" for the establishment
of a Palestinian state comprised of the Gaza Strip and most of the West

Abbas, however, told Meretz Chairman Yossi Beilin during their meeting in
Ramallah on Thursday that an agreement of principles would not be
satisfactory. He said the Palestinian Authority is prepared to achieve a
final status settlement with Israel by next fall, when an international
Mideast peace conference is scheduled to take place.

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