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Tuesday, December 11, 2007
State says its not obligated to fortify Sderot homes against Kassams [protecting homes could impair deterrence]

[Dr. Aaron Lerner - IMRA: "the state also claimed that the fortification
issue could have great impact on Israel's image and its deterrence

And how about the "impact on Israel's image and its deterrence abilities" of
the apparent willingness of the Olmert team to accept the current "Russian
roulette" situation for the Israeli communities located near the Gaza that
endure daily attacks.?].

State says its not obligated to fortify Sderot homes against Kassams
JPost.com Staff , THE JERUSALEM POST Dec. 11, 2007

The state alleged Monday evening that there is no law forcing it to fortify
houses in Sderot against Kassam rockets in a response to a petition filed by
30 of the southern city's residents.

In its reply, the state also claimed that the fortification issue could have
great impact on Israel's image and its deterrence abilities.

"Even if the government decides not to fortify homes in Sderot, this is an
issue that is outside of the court's area of jurisdiction," the reply read.

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