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Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Hamas placed children on rooftops as human shields preventing Israeli attack on Qassam workshops and warehouses

Hamas placed children on rooftops as human shields preventing Israeli attack
on Qassam workshops and warehouses
Dr. Aaron Lerner Date: 4 March 2008

Yediot Ahronot correspondent Itamar Eichner reports in today's edition that
an officer in Israeli Military Intelligence revealed in a briefing by FM
Livni to foreign ambassadors that "before the IDF attacks Qassam workshops
or warehouses it distributes flyers asking the residents to evacuate the
area. But Hamas exploits the flyers and places small children on the
rooftops in order to foil the attacks. And thus because of this trick the
IDF is forced to halt many such bombings at the last moment."

"We are working with our hands tied because of all these laws and because we
are part of the free world and because this is part of our values," FM Livni

Dr. Aaron Lerner, Director IMRA (Independent Media Review & Analysis)
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