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Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Weekly Commentary: "Next Time" Now: Kill, Capture, Torture, Destroy - To Free Gilad Schalit

Weekly Commentary: "Next Time" Now: Kill, Capture, Torture, Destroy - To
Free Gilad Schalit

Dr. Aaron Lerner Date: 16 July 2008

"Next time it will be different", a nation swears as the caskets of
Goldwasser and Regev are broadcast on television in the immoral, grotesque
and humiliating bodies for terrorist deal.

A deal that sends the message to Israel's enemies not to kidnap more
Israelis - but instead to grab and kill more Israelis.

Well. The "next time" is already now.

And so. Instead of pondering how many murderers the Jewish State should
hand over to the terrorist Hamas to gain the release of Gilad Schalit, the
State of Israel must return to its senses and do what a normal state that
truly values the lives of its citizens does:

Kill, capture, torture (aka "interrogate"), and destroy - to free Gilad

We don't know the exact location of Schalit but we know he is in the narrow
Gaza Strip.

And we know exactly the chain of command that is holding him captive.

And so.

Like any nation that values its citizens.

That does not accept its citizens being taken hostage.

Israel should launch now a bloody and violent invasion of the Gaza Strip in
search of Gilad Schalit.

Every camp, office, warehouse, apartment - basically any place; every
official, officer, gunmen, etc. associated with the organizations that hold
Schalit (and that includes first and foremost Hamas) is a target.

If there is resistance then the IDF will react like the army of any country
that values the lives of its citizens and give priority to the lives of the
soldiers engaged in the operation over the lives of those either endangering
its soldier or intentionally providing a human shield to those enemy forces.

Hamas leadership should find themselves literally facing the decision of
their lives: unconditionally release Schalit or be responsible for the
utter destruction of Hamas and their own collective one way visit to

Yes. "Next time" is now.

And only a return to a strong and respectful response now to the ongoing
challenge presented by the holding of Gilad Schalit by Hamas can restore the
deterrence that Israel so critically requires for its survival.

Dr. Aaron Lerner, Director IMRA (Independent Media Review & Analysis)
(Mail POB 982 Kfar Sava)
Tel 972-9-7604719/Fax 972-3-7255730
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