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Saturday, November 1, 2008
Secretary General of Hadash party proud of their terrorist candidate who "fought occupation" - Jerusalem attack killed 6

Dr. Aaron Lerner - IMRA:

Ayman Auda, Secretary-General of the Hadash party tells a reporter from the
top circulation Yediot Ahronot - for attribution - that the Hadash party
considers recommending targets for terror attacks to be acceptable activity
to be proud of.(AL: the name appears in the Hebrew report)

This item was buried on page 14 of the 31.10.08 Hebrew edition of Yediot
Ahronot and appears to have failed to generate any interest or response.]

Terrorist running for city council
Arab-Israeli woman jailed over Jerusalem market attack to compete in Sakhnin
Ronny Shaked YNET Published: 10.31.08, 16:17 / Israel News

Terrorist becomes a politician: Tagrid Saadi, a 28-year-old Arab-Israeli
woman convicted of failing to prevent a terror attack in Jerusalem, is vying
for a city council spot in the northern town of Sakhnin.

Saadi was detained immediately after a female suicide bomber detonated
herself at Jerusalem's Mahane Yehuda market on April 12, 2002. The bombing
killed six Israelis and wounded 60. Saadi was in contact with the cell
commander, via the Internet, and was informed about the date of the attack.
The cell leader also asked her for information about crowded locations that
would be suitable for attacks.

Saadi was sentenced to six years in prison, where she affiliated with Hamas
and Islamic Jihad prisoners. She was released less than a year ago, and has
now decided to enter politics.

'She fought against occupation'

In a conversation with Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper, Saadi did not express any
regret for her actions. "I do not look back - I only look forward," she

Saadi, who is running on behalf of the Hadash party, said she is sure party
officials looked into the legal issues associated with her political quest.

"Like any person released from prison, I'm allowed to vote and be elected,"
she said. A Hadash official [AL: in the Hebrew report - Ayman Auda,
Secretary-General of the Hadash] told Yedioth Ahornoth that the party is
proud of Saadi, because "she fought against the occupation, and continues to
fight against the occupation."

"There is no party that objects to the killing of innocents, regardless of
whether they are Israeli or Palestinian, more than Hadash," he said.
"Besides, we have no faith in the court that sentenced her, as it is part of
the Israeli establishment, and this court allows radical Jews to protest in
Umm al-Fahm. She acted against occupation."

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