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Thursday, June 25, 2009
NGO Monitor: HRW Statement on Gilad Shalit Better Late than Never

NGO Monitor: HRW Statement on Gilad Shalit Better Late than Never
Release Date: 25 June 2009

(Jerusalem) - Jerusalem based research organization NGO Monitor welcomed a
statement from Human Rights Watch (HRW) on the third anniversary of Israeli
soldier Gilad Shalit's kidnapping. HRW has in the past three years released
no more than a token demand for Shalit's release, but today rightly called
his detention 'cruel and inhumane'.

Shalit has been denied even one visit by the International Red Cross and
access to his family has been limited to three letters, a grave
contravention of one of the foundations of international humanitarian law.
HRW makes clear that Hamas has 'no excuse' for this violation.

However, HRW's statement is compromised by characteristically using Shalit's
fate as an opportunity to erroneously condemn Israel for 'collective
punishment' in Gaza. As noted by NGO Monitor, HRW and other NGOs have
often couched sympathy for Shalit's fate with condemnation of alleged
Israeli 'war crimes'.
Other major international human rights NGOs such as Amnesty International
and Oxfam retain a virtual silence over Shalit's fate, making comment only
in the context of wider issues. Beyond isolated examples, Amnesty
International, an organization founded to campaign on behalf of political
prisoners, has done nothing to campaign for Shalit's fundamental human

NGO Monitor's Executive Director, Prof Gerald Steinberg said, "Today's
statement by Human Rights Watch is a positive development for an
organization which has all but ignored Gilad Shalit's fate for the past
three years and rarely misses an opportunity to criticize Israel. It
remains to be seen whether this reflects a changing attitude within HRW.
Meanwhile, the continued silence of groups such as Amnesty International
over Shalit is a stain upon the international human rights community."
---------- ENDS ------------

Editors Notes:
NGO Monitor was founded to promote transparency, critical analysis and
debate on the political role of human rights organizations. For more
information, see our website at
For further information, comment or interviews contact Dan Kosky
+972 (0) 546-305-504
NGO Monitor - 1, Ben Maimon Blvd. - Jerusalem 92262 - Israel - T:
F: +972-77-511-7030
E: dan.kosky@ngo-monitor.org

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