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Tuesday, July 7, 2009
What would Arab states have to give in exchange for a settlement freeze?

What would Arab states have to give in exchange for a settlement freeze?

By Reuters Last update - 17:50 07/07/2009

U.S. Middle East envoy George Mitchell is pressing for a halt to Israeli
settlement activity, holding out the prospect of reciprocal steps by Arab
states towards normalizing relations with Israel.

Talks in London on Monday between Mitchell and Defense Minister Ehud Barak
on a package that could include a settlement freeze and normalization ended

Further discussions are planned between Mitchell and Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu as early as next week.

Egypt and Jordan are the only Arab states that have diplomatic relations
with Israel. Below are the regional normalization steps U.S. and Western
officials say Washington is seeking:

- Arab countries in the Gulf would allow Israeli passenger and civilian
cargo aircraft to fly over their territory. The move would save long detours
on flights to Asia, a popular destination for Israeli travelers.

- Israel would be able to open interest sections in other states' embassies
in Arab capitals, such as Riyadh and Abu Dhabi. Israel had interest sections
in several Arab countries but they were closed after the start in 2000 of a
Palestinian uprising in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

- Arab countries would lift bans on the entry of tourists and other visitors
whose passports carry Israeli visas or entry stamps. Such a step would
facilitate regional travel for tourists and business executives.

- Arab states would allow Israeli-registered mobile phones to operate on
Arab networks, a move that could foster economic contacts.

- Israel and Arab states would hold cultural exchanges. Arab countries would
ease restrictions that prevent their officials from meeting with Israeli
counterparts at international events.

A senior Israeli official familiar with Mitchell's talks said Israel was
skeptical the envoy would be able to coax Arab states to make concrete
normalization commitments if only a temporary settlement freeze was

"Even if the Americans can bring a serious settlement freeze, the
normalization steps will be implemented only gradually and based on
performance by Israel," the official said

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