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Tuesday, March 23, 2010
PSR poll of Palestinians find support for terror attacks and rejection of Israel even after all demands met

[Dr. Aaron Lerner - IMRA

Here's a guide to the perplexed regarding these poll results:

51)Concerning armed attacks against Israeli civilians inside Israel, I..
17.9% 1) Strongly support
29.3% 2) Support
40.2% 3) Oppose
10.0% 4) Strongly oppose
2.7% 5) DK/NA

38)There is a proposal that after the establishment of an independent
Palestinian state and the settlement of all issues in dispute, including the
refugees and Jerusalem issues, there will be a mutual recognition of Israel
as the state of the Jewish people and Palestine as the state of the
Palestinians people. Do you agree or disagree to this proposal?
8.2% 1) Definitely agree
41.5% 2) agree
33.5% 3) disagree
15.4% 4) definitely disagree
1.3% 5) DK/NA

42) According to the Saudi plan, Israel will retreat from all territories
occupied in 1967 including Gaza the West Bank, Jerusalem and the Golan
Heights, and a Palestinian state will be established. The refugees problem
will be resolved through negotiation in a just and agreed upon manner and in
accordance with UN resolution 194 which allows return of refugees to Israel
and compensation. In return, all Arab states will recognize Israel and its
right to secure borders, will sign peace treaties with her and establish
normal diplomatic relations. Do you agree or disagree to this plan?
8.1% 1) Certainly agree
51.8% 2) agree
25.5% 3) disagree
11.1% 4) Certainly disagree
3.5% 5) DK/NA

Puzzle: Why do 48.9% reject recognition of Israel as the state of the Jewish
people after all issues in dispute have been resolved while at the same
time, "only" 36.6% oppose accepting a deal in which a treaty is signed.

You have to read the fine print.

"return of refugees to Israel" = flood Israel with returning refugees to
ultimately destroy the country from within those ostensibly "secure

"Israel as the state of the Jewish people" = Israel can continue with
policies that allow Jews to immigrate and become citizens of the Jewish
State while Arabs are unable to flood the country and thus Israel might
survive [this special arrangement for Jews is what Israeli Arabs have in
mind when they say that they oppose Israel as a Jewish State].

The message: a significantly large segment of Palestinian society supports
terror today and opposes the existence of a viable Jewish state in the
future even if all demands are met. ]


PSR - Survey Research Unit: Poll No. 35 - Press Release
23 March 2010


These are the results of the latest poll conducted by the Palestinian Center
for Policy and Survey Research (PSR) in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip
between 4 and 6 March 2010. Total size of the sample is 1270 adults
interviewed face to face in 127 randomly selected locations. Margin of error
is 3%. For further details, contact PSR director, Dr. Khalil Shikaki, or
Walid Ladadweh at tel 02-296 4933 or email pcpsr@pcpsr.org.

00 )From among the following satellite news stations, which one you watched
most during the last two months?
12.0% 1) Al Arabia
53.7% 2) Al Jazeera
0.2% 3) Al Hurra
3.3% 4) Al Manar
9.3% 5) Palestine TV
9.8% 6) Al-Aqsa TV
7.7% 7) Do not watch TV
3.1% 8) Others
0.6% 9) Do not have a dish
0.5% 10) No Opinion/Don't know

0% 1)In general, how would you describe conditions of the Palestinians in
the Palestinian areas in Gaza Strip these days?
2.0% 1) Very good
8.9% 2) Good
13.5% 3) So so
40.1% 4) Bad
33.1% 5) Very bad
2.4% 6) DK/NA

0% 2)In general, how would you describe conditions of the Palestinians in
the Palestinian areas in the West Bank these days?
6.9% 1) Very good
23.9% 2) Good
28.9% 3) So so
26.1% 4) Bad
9.7% 5) Very bad
4.4% 6) DK/NA

3)Generally, do you see yourself as:
45.8% 1) Religious
51.3% 2) Somewhat religious
2.9% 3) Not religious
0.0% 4) DK/NA

4)Generally, do you see yourself as:
67.3% 1) Supportive of the peace process
17.2% 2) Opposed to the peace process
13.6% 3) Between support and opposition
1.9% 4) DK/NA

5)Do you think that there is corruption in PA institutions under the control
of President Abu Mazin?
68.3% 1) Yes
17.6% 2) No
14.1% 3) DK/NA

6)If yes, will this corruption in PA institutions under the control of
President Abu Mazin increase, decrease or remain as it is in the future?
46.8% 1) Will increase
17.6% 2) Will remain as it is
27.6% 3) will decrease
8.0% 4) DK/NA
7)How would you evaluate the current status of democracy and human rights in
the Palestinian Authority under Abu Mazin? Would you say it is:
6.1% 1) Very good
30.7% 2) Good
28.0% 3) neither bad nor good
19.8% 4) Bad
11.9% 5) Very bad
3.5% 6) DK/NA

8)How would you evaluate the current status of democracy and human rights in
the Gaza Strip under Ismail Hanyieh government? Would you say it is:
5.8% 1) Very good
23.7% 2) Good
19.9% 3) Fair
24.7% 4) Bad
15.5% 5) Very bad
10.4% 6) DK/NA

9)Would you say that these days your security and safety, and that of your
family, is assured or not assured?
9.7% 1) Completely assured 9.7
51.3% 2) Assured51.3
31.3% 3) Not assured 31.3
7.6% 4) Not assured at all 7.6
0.1% 5) DK/NA0.1

10)Tell us how do you evaluate the performance of the dismissed government
of Ismail Haniyeh in the Gaza Strip? Is it good or bad?
8.9% 1) Very Good
30.2% 2) Good
21.4% 3) Neither good nor bad
20.9% 4) Bad
7.2% 5) Very Bad
11.3% 6) No Opinion/Don't know

11)Tell us how do you evaluate the performance of the government headed by
Salam Fayyad ? Is it good or bad?
8.8% 1) Very Good
33.3% 2) Good
23.8% 3) Neither good nor bad
18.6% 4) Bad
7.1% 5) Very Bad
8.3% 6) No Opinion/Don't know

12)Are you satisfied or not satisfied with the performance of Mahmud Abbas
since his election as president of the PA?
7.6% 1) Very satisfied
39.2% 2) Satisfied
36.7% 3) Not satisfied
13.4% 4) not satisfied at all
3.1% 5) DK/NA

13)If new presidential elections are to take place today, and Mahmud Abbas
was nominated by Fateh and Ismail Haniyeh was nominated by Hamas, whom would
you vote for?
50.4% 1) Mahmud Abbas
40.2% 2) Ismail Haniyeh
9.43 DK/NA

14)And if the competition was between Marwan Barghouti representing Fateh
and Ismail Haniyeh representing Hamas, whom would you vote for?
62.7% 1) Marwan Barghouti
32.3% 2) Ismail Haniyeh
5.1% 3) No Opinion/ Don't know

15)If you were to select a vice president, whom would you select from among
the following list of candidates?
18.9% 1) Ismail Haniyeh
13.8% 2) Salam Fayyad
30.0% 3) Marwan Barghouti
10.6% 4) Mustafa Barghouti
5.0% 5) Saeb Erekat
8.1% 6) Others (specify: ------------ )
13.5% 7) DK/NA

If new elections agreed to by all factions are held today and the same
lists that took part in the last PLC elections were nominated, for whom
would you vote?
2.0% 1) alternative
3.0% 2) independent Palestine
2.8% 3) Abu Ali Mustafa
0.0% 4) Abu al Abbas
0.2% 5) freedom and social justice
27.7% 6) change and reform
0.1% 7) national coalition for justice and democracy
2.2% 8) third way
0.7% 9) freedom and independence
0.210) Palestinian justice
41.91% 1) Fateh
19.11% 2) none of the above/ DK/NA

18)After the separation between Gaza and the West Bank, Hamas and the
government of Ismail Haniyeh remained in power in Gaza and considered itself
the legitimate government while president Abu Mazin formed a new government
headed by Salam Fayyad followed by a new government headed by Fayyad and it
too considered itself legitimate. What about you, which of the two
government you consider legitimate, the government of Haniyeh or the
government of Abu Mazin and Fayyad?
28.4% 1) Haniyehs' government is the legitimate one
26.3% 2) Abu Mazin's and Fayyad government is the legitimate one
9.4% 3) Both governments are legitimate
30.5% 4) Both governments are not legitimate
5.5% 5) DK/NA

19)From among the following three Palestinian priorities, which in your
opinion is the most important one today?
16.7% 1) Gaza reconstruction
59.3% 2) reconciliation and reunification of the West Bank and the Gaza
23.8% 3) opening of Gaza crossings with Egypt and Israel
0.2% 4) DK/NA

20)To what extent are you worried or not worried that you or a member of
your family could be hurt by Israel in your daily life or that your land
would be confiscated or home demolished?
33.9% 1. Very Worried33.9
42.8% 2. Worried42.8
17.3% 3. Not worried17.3
5.8% 4. Not worried at all5.8
0.1% 5.DK/NA0.1

21)In light of the visit by Nabil Sha'at to the Gaza Strip last month, what
are your expectations for the future of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip?
14.8% 1) unity will resume in the near future
46.6% 2) unity will resume but will take a long time
30.8% 3) unity will not resume and two separate entities will emerge
7.8% 4) DK/NA

22)Mahmud Abbas's term as president of the Palestinian Authority ended last
January 2010 without new elections being held on that date. Did he or did
not he lose his legitimacy as president of the PA?
18.1% 1) certainly lost legitimacy
34.8% 2) lost legitimacy
34.8% 3) did not lose legitimacy
6.4% 4) certainly did not lose legitimacy
5.9% 5) DK/NA

23)Similarly, the Palestinian Legislative Council's term ended in January
2010 without new elections being held on that date. Did it lose or did not
lose its legitimacy?
15.7% 1) certainly lost legitimacy
37.8% 2) lost legitimacy
33.9% 3) did not lose legitimacy
4.6% 4) certainly did not lose legitimacy
8.1% 5) DK/NA
24)In your view, who is responsible for the continued split in the PA
between the West Bank and the West Bank, Hamas or Fateh
14.2% 1) Hamas
11.8% 2) Fateh
64.3% 3) both
2.9% 4) Neither
4.4% 5) other
2.5% 6) DK/NA

25)The Palestinian Election Commission announced that it could not conduct
elections on the constitutional date of last January 2010; who in your view
was responsible for preventing the holding of elections on time?
11.5% 1) Fateh
24.0% 2) Hamas
9.1% 3) the election commission
30.9% 4) Israel
15.7% 5) Other (specify; .. )
8.9% 6) DK/NA

26)If Hamas wins next legislative and president elections, will this in your
view lead to the lifting or to tightening of the international boycott of
the Palestinian government?
12.1% 1) will lead to the lifting of the boycott
61.0% 2) will lead to the tightening of the boycott
22.6% 3) conditions will stay as they are today
4.3% 4) DK/NA

27)And what about the unity between the West Bank and the Gaza Strip? Will a
Hamas victory in the next legislative and presidential elections lead to
consolidation of unity between the West Bank and the Gaza Strip or will it
lead to consolidating the split between the two areas?
18.5% 1) will lead to consolidation of WBGS unity
46.3% 2) will lead to consolidation of WBGS split
29.3% 3) conditions of WBGS will stay as they are today
5.8% 4) DK/NA

28)And what if Fateh wins new legislative and president elections, will this
in your view lead to the lifting or to tightening of the international
boycott of the Palestinian government?
56.7% 1) will lead to the lifting of the boycott
8.9% 2) will lead to the tightening of the boycott
29.7% 3) conditions will stay as they are today
4.7% 4) DK/NA

29)And what about the unity between the West Bank and the Gaza Strip? Will a
Fateh victory in the next legislative and presidential elections lead to
consolidation of unity between the West Bank and the Gaza Strip or will it
lead to consolidating the split between the two areas?
32.1% 1) will lead to consolidation of WBGS unity
27.0% 2) will lead to consolidation of WBGS split
34.6% 3) conditions of WBGS will stay as they are today
6.3% 4) DK/NA

30)Palestinian cabinet decided to hold local elections in the West Bank in
July 2010 even if reconciliation between Fateh and Hamas was not achieved by
that date. All factions agreed to participate in these elections with the
exception of Hamas which conditioned its participation with the achievement
of reconciliation. What do you think about this matter: do you support or
oppose the holding of local elections on the date set even if reconciliation
was not achieved by then?
11.4% 1) certainly support
42.9% 2) support
27.0% 3) oppose
14.0% 4) certainly oppose
4.7% 5) DK/NA
31)[for West Bank respondents only] If local elections were held in the West
Bank before the achievement of reconciliation and all factions participated
except Hamas, would you participate or not participate?
15.3% 1) certainly will participate
37.7% 2) will participate
31.5% 3) will not participate
11.3% 4) certainly will not participate
4.1% 5) DK/NA

32)There are press reports about corruption and scandals in the Palestinian
Authority including a video tape that was aired in the Israeli TV and was
presented as something that the Palestinian Intelligence Department has
filmed. As a result, President Abbas has suspended the head of office from
work and has established an investigation committee to examine the reports.
In the meanwhile, the PA says the talk about corruption and scandals is full
of exaggerations and fabrications from Israeli sources against the PA. Have
your heard about these reports?
40.0% 1) Yes, I have heard about them and have seen the video tape
31.5% 2) I only heard or read about them
28.2% 3) I neither heard about nor read them (go to Q3% 4)
0.3% 4) DK/NA
33)What is your assessment? Do you believe or do not believe the reports?
46.5% 1) certainly believe them
22.8% 2) tend to generally believe them
12.2% 3) tend to think they are exaggeration and fabrications from Israeli
11.7% 4) Certain they are exaggeration and fabrications from Israeli sources
6.8% 5) DK/NA

34)As stated earlier, the president established an investigation committee
to look into the report of corruption and scandals. Tell us to what extent
you have confidence in the work of this committee:
14.1% 1) I have a great deal of confidence in it
27.0% 2) I have an average level of confidence in it
17.4% 3) I have little confidence in it
32.7% 4) I have no confidence at all in it
8.8% 5) DK/NA

35) As stated earlier, it was reported that the video tape that recoded the
head of Abbas's office in an embarrassing situation was recorded by the PA
department of intelligence. Do you believe or do not believe this report?
26.9% 1) certainly believe it
20.5% 2) tend to believe it
17.0% 3) tend not to believe it
12.4% 4) certainly do not believe it
23.3% 5) DK/NA

36)And now tell us what you think about this. Do you accept or do not accept
the involvement of a PA governmental department in photographing
Palestinians in embarrassing situations as the case may have been with the
head of the office of the PA president?
11.4% 1) certainly accept
10.7% 2) tend to accept
21.1% 3) tend to reject
53.3% 4) certainly reject
3.5% 5) DK/NA

37)People these days talk about the goals behind the iron wall that Egypt is
currently building underground on its borders with Rafah. Tell us what you
think the Egyptian goal is. Does it aim at:
31.0% 1) consolidating the siege around the Gaza strip
34.7% 2) pressure Hamas to sign the reconciliation document
27.8% 3) protect Egypt's security against smugglers
3.4% 4) others (specify ---- or indicate combination of aims from those
listed above)
3.1% 5) DK/NA

38)There is a proposal that after the establishment of an independent
Palestinian state and the settlemnet of all issues in dispute, including the
refugees and Jerusalem issues, there will be a mutual recognition of Israel
as the state of the Jewish people and Palestine as the state of the
Palestinians people. Do you agree or disagree to this proposal?
8.2% 1) Definitely agree
41.5% 2) agree
33.5% 3) disagree
15.4% 4) definitely disagree
1.3% 5) DK/NA

39)And what is the Palestinian majority opinion on this issue? Do most
Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza support or oppose the recognition of
Israel as the state of the Jewish people and Palestine as the state of the
Palestinian people at the end of the peace process?
44.9% 1) Majority supports
46.9% 2) Majority opposes
8.2% 3) DK/NA

40)And what is the Israeli majority opinion on this issue? Do most Israelis
support or oppose the recognition of Israel as the state of the Jewish
people and Palestine as the state of the Palestinian people at the end of
the peace process?
35.5% 1) Majority supports
54.9% 2) Majority opposes
9.5% 5) DK/NA

41)Now more than 40 years after the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and
the Gaza Strip, what in your view are the chances for the establishment of
an independent Palestinian state next to the state of Israel in the next
five years? Are they high, medium, low, or none existent?
34.6% 1) None existent
35.9% 2) Low
22.8% 3) Medium
4.9% 4) High
1.7% 5) DK/NA

42) According to the Saudi plan, Israel will retreat from all territories
occupied in 1967 including Gaza the West Bank, Jerusalem and the Golan
Heights, and a Palestinian state will be established. The refugees problem
will be resolved through negotiation in a just and agreed upon manner and in
accordance with UN resolution 194 which allows return of refugees to Israel
and compensation. In return, all Arab states will recognize Israel and its
right to secure borders, will sign peace treaties with her and establish
normal diplomatic relations. Do you agree or disagree to this plan?
8.1% 1) Certainly agree
51.8% 2) agree
25.5% 3) disagree
11.1% 4) Certainly disagree
3.5% 5) DK/NA

43)What do you think are the aspirations of Israel for the long run?
8.01. Withdrawal from the territories it occupied in 1967 after guaranteeing
its security
8.42. Withdrawal form part of the occupied territories after guaranteeing
its security
17.83. Annexation of the West Bank while denying political rights of
Palestinian citizens
63.24. Extending the borders of the state of Israel to cover all the area
between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea and expelling its Arab
2.65. DK/NA

44)What do you expect to happen between Palestinians and Israelis now after
the assassination of Mahmoud Al-Mabhuh In Dubai and the Israeli announcement
of Al Haram al Ibrahimi in Hebron and Masjid Bilal in Bethlehem as part of
Israeli historic national heritage?
14.4% 1) Negotiations will resume soon enough and armed confrontations will
36.5% 2) Negotiations will resume but some armed attacks will continue
43.3% 3) Armed confrontations will not stop and the two sides will not
return to negotiations
5.8% 4) DK/NA

45)And generally speaking is it possible or impossible to reach these days a
final status settlement with Israel?
2.4% 1. Definitely possible
24.8% 2. Think it is possible
41.8% 3. Think it is impossible
29.9% 4. definitely impossible
1.1% 5. DK/NA

46)Do you support or oppose the solution based on the establishment of a
Palestinian State alongside Israel known as the two States solution?
8.5% 1.Definitely support
48.9% 2.Support
29.6% 3.Oppose
11.6% 4.Definitely oppose
1.5 % 5 DN/NA (Do not read)

47)Some people think that the best solution to the conflict is one in which
Israel is unified with the West Bank and the Gaza Strip to establish one
state whereby Palestinian Arabs and Israeli Jews would be equal. Do you
support or oppose this solution?
24.7% 1.Definitely support
47.5% 2.Support
21.6% 3.Oppose
2.1% 4.Definitely oppose
4.1% 5.DN/NA (Do not read)

48)And what about a solution of a Palestinian state alongside Israel where
both states share joint political institutions which will eventually lead to
a confederation. Do you support or oppose such a solution?
3.3% 1.Definitely support
23.0% 2.Support
51.0% 3.Oppose
18.2% 4.Definitely oppose
4.4% 5.DN/NA (Do not read)

49)And in your opinion which of the three solutions is most difficult to
31.7% 1. .the two independent states solution
42.4% 2. the one state with equal rights solution
18.1% 3. the two states jointly in confederation
7.8% 4. DN/NA (Don't read)

50)There is an American invitation to the Palestinian side to return to
peace negotiations with Israel without Israel ceasing settlement
construction in East Jerusalem. But these negotiations will be indirect and
with US mediation. Do you support or oppose the Participation of the
Palestinian side in these negotiations?
2.4% 1) certainly support
23.0% 2) Support
46.5% 3) Oppose
26.0% 4) certainly oppose
2.1% 5) DK/NA

51)Concerning armed attacks against Israeli civilians inside Israel, I..
17.9% 1) Strongly support
29.3% 2) Support
40.2% 3) Oppose
10.0% 4) Strongly oppose
2.7% 5) DK/NA

52)Which of the following political parties do you support?
0.7% 1) PPP
2.5% 2) PFLP
30.1% 3) Fateh
21.7% 4) Hamas
0.8% 5) DFLP
1.1% 6) Islamic Jihad
0.0% 7) Fida
1.1% 8) National Initiative (Mubadara)
2.7% 9) Independent Islamists
5.9% 10) Independent Nationalists
32.6% 11) None of the above
0.9% 12) Other, specify

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