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Saturday, June 5, 2010
Video: Gaza flotilla to Israeli Navy: "Shut up, go back to Auschwitz" and "We're helping Arabs go against the US, don't forget 9/11."

IDF Spokseperson June 04, 2010

In response to a radio transmission by the Israeli Navy warning the Gaza
flotilla that they are approaching a naval blockade, flotilla passengers
respond, "Shut up, go back to Auschwitz" and "We're helping Arabs go against
the US, don't forget 9/11."

In the early hours of the May 31st 2010, IDF soldiers boarded the ships of
the "Free Gaza" Flotilla, after the ships refused to redirect their course.
Aboard the Mavi Marmara, the soldiers encountered serious violence when, in
a pre-planned attack, the activists on board attempted to lynch the soldiers
with knives, metal rods and stole two of their guns. As a result 7 soldiers
were injured and 9 demonstrators were killed.

Edit: This video had originally cited the Mavi Marmara ship as being the
source of these remarks, however, due to an open channel, the specific ship
or ships in the "Freedom Flotilla" responding to the Israeli Navy could not
be identified. For the full, unedited audio recording please go to

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