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Sunday, September 5, 2010
PLO terms Western Jerusalem occupied Jerusalem - calls meeting of World Jewish Congress a provocation

[Dr. Aaron Lerner - IMRA:

The Jewish Congress sessions were held at the David Citadel Hotel.

"Overlooking the domes, steeples and towers of the ancient walled city of
Jerusalem spread out like a masterpiece, the David Citadel is the newest and
most luxurious one among Jerusalem hotels and Israel Hotels.
Located in Western Jerusalem on the prestigious King David Street, the
Jerusalem hotel faces the historic Tower of David and the ancient walls of
the Old City. "
www.thedavidcitadel.com ]

International Relations: Jewish Congress in Jerusalem, a provocative step
Date: 09/05/2010 Time: 14:07
[Google translation]

WAFA (PLO news agency) 05/09/2010 RAMALLAH - The Department of International
Relations of the PLO today expressed deep concern, because Israel opened the
door to the Jewish Congress to hold its fourteenth meeting in occupied
Jerusalem, which is held with the blessing and the presence of the leaders
of Israel, and the participation of more than 200 representatives of Jewish
groups in the world.

The action that is confirmed in a press release is a blatant defiance of the
resolutions of international legitimacy, which considers all Israeli actions
in Jerusalem 'is invalid and illegal', which emphasizes that Jerusalem is
part and parcel of the occupied territory.

The Department stressed that the move by the State of Israel is a
provocation to the feelings of Arab and Islamic nation, and that such a move
would confirm that Israel continues to take all necessary measures for
control of Jerusalem 'capital' eternal, and an affirmation of the Israeli
refusal to reach a just peace that guarantees the Palestinian rights in
Jerusalem as the capital of an independent Palestinian state. The Department
called for all relevant international and Arab bodies to stand in the face
of these activities, the Israeli aggression against the holy city, stressing
the need for a national conference on high-level response to the situation
of Israeli activity against a just solutions to the Palestinian cause
seeking to control the Islamic and Christian sanctities and its annexation
to Israel.

B. G

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