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Monday, February 21, 2011
MEMRI: Friday Sermon on Libyan TV Accuses Zionists, Americans of Instigating the Protests in the Middle East

Special Dispatch|3604|February 21, 2011

Friday Sermon on Libyan TV Accuses Zionists, Americans of Instigating the
Protests in the Middle East

Following are excerpts from a Friday sermon which aired on the Libyan
Al-Jamahiriya TV on February 18, 2011:

To view this clip on MEMRI TV, visit

Preacher: "Oh Muslims, may Allah preserve the safety of your country. May
Allah preserve your own safety, and the safety of your women and your
children. Beware that they not be led astray, like our fellow Arabs, who
share the same language with us. They were drawn by the deceiving media, and
they took to the streets to sow corruption, thus assuming the character of
the Jews, who spread corruption upon the land.


"Oh worshippers of Allah, see the slogan of the outlaws – I won't call them
people who revolted against the regime – in Egypt, in Tunisia, and
elsewhere. They chant a loathsome Zionist slogan: 'Topple the regime.' Is it
appropriate for a Muslim to revolt against the regime?


"We call upon all noble Arabs and all free Muslims to remove the evil
Al-Jazeera TV channel from the Arab satellites, because it does not want any
good to happen to the Arabs. We call to remove Qatar, which sponsors
Al-Jazeera TV, from the Arab League.


"In conclusion, oh Muslims, may Allah protect our country, Libya, which is
too great to be left prey to the hateful Zionists and tyrannical

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The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) is an independent,
non-profit organization that translates and analyzes the media of the Middle
East. Copies of articles and documents cited, as well as background
information, are available on request.

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