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Sunday, July 17, 2011
Elyakim Haetzni replies to IMRA on annexation of Judea and Samaria

Elyakim Haetzni replies to IMRA on annexation of Judea and Samaria
Dr. Aaron Lerner 17 July 2011

Elyakim Haetzni is an Israeli lawyer, activist and former politician who
served as a member of the Knesset for Tehiya from 1990 until 1992

Dear Elyakim Haetzni,

I see that you are participating in the upcoming conference "Regaining the
initiative - Applying Israeli sovereignty over Judea and Samaria"

As you can see from the article below, PA PM Salam Fayyad accepts this
initiative - as long as those residing in Judea and Samaria can become
Israeli citizens with the right to vote.

I was hoping that you could explain in short note that I could share with
IMRA readers if your support for annexation of Judea and Samaria is:

(1) Limited to annexation of areas where there are Jewish communities.

(2) If annexation covers the entire area of Judea and Samaria, do you
support granting Israeli citizenship - including the right to vote - to
those residing in the annexed areas.


Best regards,

Fayyad to Israel: Give us freedom or right to vote
Published Friday 24/06/2011 (updated) 25/06/2011 23:24

RAMALLAH (Ma'an) -- Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad told
protesters in Bil'in on Friday that Israel should either give Palestinians
freedom or the right to vote.


Dear Aaron,

First of all, I would wait to see, whether Ramallah goes beyond a mere
declaration by the UN. For instance -changing their letterhead to "State of
P.", solemnly declaring to have become a State, signing a foreign treaty,

Only when the provocation becomes a flagrant breach, which perforce
terminates Oslo, Israel could and should annex Area C' which is 60% of the
whole area. The rest would legally revert into the jurisdiction of the
Military Government, which by Oslo was withdrawn, not dismantled.

The M. G. would treat Ramallah as the Autonomy which it essentially is, but
if Ramallah would resort to force, or otherwise create unbearable situations
for us (like inviting in a foreign army) then - again reacting to clear
provocation - we should eliminate Ramallah in one swift military blow and
employ the M.G. to build a new autonomy from scratch. WE should also make
efforts to involve Jordan in some sort of "frisch - Misch".

All the Best


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