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Thursday, March 1, 2012
Weekly Commentary: As Netanyahu and Obama Meet: In Post Arab Spring Israel is not the core problem

Weekly Commentary: As Netanyahu and Obama Meet: In Post Arab Spring Israel
is not the core problem

Dr. Aaron Lerner Date: 1 March 2012

The post Arab Spring Middle East is certainly overflowing with problems that
threaten the stability of the region.

There is one thing common to the problems in Egypt, Syria and the rest of
the states on the neighborhood: these problems have nothing to do with

Whether or not Israel builds another porch in Jerusalem or for that matter
entire new communities beyond the Green Line has no impact on the resolution
of these problems.

By the same token, the attitudes taken by the Arab “actors” in the region–
be they the contending leaderships or the “street” – towards the United
States are driven by how America relates to the new and developing
situations in these countries rather than by either Israel’s activities
within its own sphere or how the U.S. responds to those Israeli activities.

Simply put, the United States has nothing to gain by throwing Israel under
the bus.

With the presidential elections coming up, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu
has the opportunity to try and get the Obama Administration to concede this
fundamental point.

Sure, in the months coming up to the November elections Mr. Obama may hold
back. But it would be a terrible mistake not to exploit this “election year
window of opportunity” to try and put the concept in place to influence
America’s post-election policies.

Dr. Aaron Lerner, Director IMRA (Independent Media Review & Analysis)
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