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Tuesday, July 10, 2012
PSR poll of Palestinians: 65.8%:31.9% Gazans support armed attacks against Israeli civilians inside Israel

56) Concerning armed attacks against Israeli civilians inside Israel, I….
West Bank
Certainly support 6.0% Support 23.9%
Oppose 58.2% Certainly oppose 9.7%
DK/NA 2.3%
Gaza Strip
Certainly support 20.6% Support 45.2%
Oppose 28.2% Certainly oppose 3.7%
DK/NA 2.3%

PSR - Survey Research Unit: Poll No. 44 - Full analysis
10 July 2012

Palestinian Public Opinion Poll No (44)

While the popularity of Fateh and President Abbas drops, and while Hamas'
popularity improves, popular criticism of crackdown on freedoms increases
and opposition to a two-state solution rises

21-23 June 2012

These are the results of the latest poll conducted by the Palestinian Center
for Policy and Survey Research (PSR) in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip
between 21-23 June 2012. Total size of the sample is 1200 adults interviewed
face to face in 120 randomly selected locations. Margin of error is 3%.

For further details, contact PSR director, Dr. Khalil Shikaki, or Walid
Ladadweh at tel 02-296 4933 or email pcpsr@pcpsr.org.

PSR Poll No. 44
21 – 23 June 2012

Total West Bank Gaza Strip
00) From among the following satellite news stations, which one you
watched most during the last two months?
1) Al Arabia 11.6%
2) Al Jazeera 46.5%
3) Al Hurra 1.4%
4) Al Manar 2.5%
5) Palestine TV 14.0%
6) Alaqsa 8.6%
7) Do not watch TV 8.8%
8) Others 4.9%
9) Do not have a dish 1.3%
10) DK/NA 0.4%
01) In general, how would you describe conditions of the Palestinians in
the Palestinian areas in Gaza Strip these days?
1) Very good 2.9%
2) Good 18.8%
3) So so 20.3%
4) Bad 39.3%
5) Very bad 16.7%
6) DK/NA 2.0%
02) In general, how would you describe conditions of the Palestinians in
the Palestinian areas in the West Bank these days?
1) Very good 4.6%
2) Good 25.8%
3) So so 29.6%
4) Bad 25.1%
5) Very bad 12.1%
6) DK/NA 2.9%
03) Generally, do you see yourself as:
1) Religious 45.7%
2) Somewhat religious 49.0%
3) Not religious 5.2%
4) DK/NA 0.1%
04) Generally, do you see yourself as:
1) Supportive of the peace process 56.8%
2) Opposed to the peace process 20.8%
3) Between support and opposition 21.1%
4) DK/NA 1.3%
05) Do you think that there is corruption in PA institutions under the
control of President Abu Mazin?
1) Yes 71.4%
2) No 17.3%
3) DK-NA 11.3%
06) Do you think that there is corruption in PA institutions under the
control of the dismissed government in the Gaza Strip?
1) Yes 56.7%
2) No 22.7%
3) DK-NA 20.6%
07) In your view, is there a press freedom in the West Bank?
1) Yes 20.7%
2) To some extent 40.7%
3) No 33.8%
4) DK-NA 4.8%
08) In your view, is there a press freedom in the Gaza Strip?
1) Yes 16.7%
2) To some extent 34.0%
3) No 38.3%
4) DK-NA 11.0%
09) In your view, can people in the West Bank today criticize the
authority without fear?
1) Yes 29.1%
2) No 65.1%
3) DK-NA 5.8%
10) In your view, can people in the Gaza Strip today criticize the
authority without fear?
1) Yes 25.2%
2) No 63.5%
3) DK-NA 11.2%
11) Would you say that these days your security and safety, and that of
your family, is assured or not assured?
1) Completely assured 6.7%
2) Assured 49.6%
3) Not assured 39.6%
4) Not assured at all 3.7%
5) DK/NA 0.4%
12) Do current political, security, and economic conditions lead you to
seek emigration abroad?
1) Certainly seek to emigrate 12.9%
2) Seek emigration 19.4%
3) Do not seek emigration 38.4%
4) Certainly do not seek emigration 29.0%
5) DK/NA 0.3%

West Bank
1) Certainly seek to emigrate 11.0%
2) Seek emigration 16.3%
3) Do not seek emigration 40.9%
4) Certainly do not seek emigration 31.6%
5) DK/NA 0.1%
Gaza Strip
1) Certainly seek to emigrate 16.6%
2) Seek emigration 25.4%
3) Do not seek emigration 33.4%
4) Certainly do not seek emigration 23.9%
5) DK/NA 0.7%

13) Tell us how do you evaluate the performance of the dismissed
government of Ismail Haniyeh in the Gaza Strip? Is it good or bad?
1) Very Good 10.3%
2) Good 27.9%
3) Neither good nor bad 24.3%
4) Bad 18.9%
5) Very Bad 7.1%
6) No Opinion/Don’t know 11.5%
14) Tell us how do you evaluate the performance of the government headed
by Salam Fayyad? Is it good or bad?
1) Very Good 4.6%
2) Good 31.1%
3) Neither good nor bad 27.8%
4) Bad 21.0%
5) Very Bad 10.4%
6) No Opinion/Don’t know 5.2%
15) Are you satisfied or not satisfied with the performance of Mahmud
Abbas since his election as president of the PA?
1) Very satisfied 6.1%
2) Satisfied 42.5%
3) Not satisfied 35.9%
4) Not satisfied at all 13.0%
5) DK/NA 2.4%
16) If new presidential elections are to take place today, and Mahmud
Abbas was nominated by Fateh and Ismail Haniyeh was nominated by Hamas, whom
would you vote for?
1) Mahmoud Abbas 49.3%
2) Ismael Haniyyah 43.7%
4) DK/NA 7.0%
17) And if the competition was between Marwan Barghouti representing
Fateh and Ismail Haniyeh representing Hamas, whom would you vote for?
1) Marwan Barghouti 59.9%
2) Ismael Haniyyah 34.3%
4) DK/NA 5.8%
18) And what if the competition was between Marwan Barghouti, Ismail
Haniyeh, and Mahmud Abbas, to whom would you vote?
1) Marwan Barghouti 37.3%
2) Ismael Haniyyah 32.8%
3. Mahmud Abbas 24.8%
5) DK/NA 5.1%
20) If new elections agreed to by all factions are held today and the
same lists that took part in the last PLC elections were nominated, for whom
would you vote?
1) Alternative 2.2%
2) Independent Palestine 2.8%
3) Abu Ali Mustafa 4.0%
4) Abu al Abbas 0.3%
5) Freedom and social justice 0.8%
6) Change and reform 28.6%
7) National coalition for justice and democracy 0.0%
8) Third way (headed by Salam Fayyad) 1.2%
9) Freedom and independence 0.9%
10) Palestinian justice 0.4%
11) Fateh 39.9%
12) None of the above/ DK/NA/ Do not remember 18.9%
21 -1) From among the following vital national goals, which in your view
should the first most important one and which should be the second most
important goal that the Palestinian people should strive to achieve?
1) Israeli withdrawal to the 1967 borders and the establishment of a
Palestinian state in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip with East Jerusalem as
its capital 47.0%
2) Obtain the right of return to refuges to their 1948 towns and
villages 29.9%
3) Establish a democratic political system that respects freedoms and
rights of Palestinians 7.8%
4) Build a pious or moral individual and a religious society, one that
applies all Islamic teachings 15.3%
21-2 From among the following vital national goals, which in your view
should the first most important one and which should be the second most
important goal that the Palestinian people should strive to achieve?
1) Israeli withdrawal to the 1967 borders and the establishment of a
Palestinian state in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip with East Jerusalem as
its capital 21.7%
2) Obtain the right of return to refuges to their 1948 towns and
villages 39.1%
3) Establish a democratic political system that respects freedoms and
rights of Palestinians 19.3%
4) Build a pious or moral individual and a religious society, one that
applies all Islamic teachings 20.0%
22) The Palestinian society confronts today various problems, like the
continuation of occupation and settlements, the spread of unemployment and
poverty, the lack of national unity due to the split between the West Bank
and the Gaza Strip, the continuation of the siege and blockade of the Gaza
Strip and the closure of its border crossings, the spread of corruption in
public institutions, and others. Tell us, what in your opinion, is the
problem you see as the most fundamental, the one that must be on the top
priority of the Palestinian Authority?
1) Continuation of occupation and settlements 26.5%
2) Spread of unemployment and poverty 26.4%
3) Lack of national unity due to the split between the West bank and
Gaza Strip 23.7%
4) Continuation of the siege and blockade of the Gaza Strip and the
closure of its border crossings 8.1%
5) The spread of corruption in public institutions 14.5%
6) Other 0.5%
88) DK/NA 0.3%
99) Other 0.0%
23) Presidential and parliamentary elections were scheduled to take place
in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip last month. But they did not take place
due to failure of reconciliation efforts. Are you satisfied or not satisfied
that elections did not take place?
1) Certainly satisfied 1.9%
2) Satisfied 20.0%
3) Dissatisfied 60.4%
4) Certainly dissatisfied 10.2%
5) DK/NA 7.4%
24) In your view, who is responsible for the failure to organize
elections in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip last month as scheduled? Is it
Fateh or Hamas or some other side?
1) Fatah 10.5%
2) Hamas 13.1%
3) Both 59.5%
4) Other 7.6%
5) DK/NA 9.3%
25) Fateh and Hamas have agreed last month on allowing the election
commission to start its work in the Gaza Strip and on starting consultation
to form a reconciliation government. In your view, will the two sides
succeed in implementing the agreement and unify the West Bank and the Gaza
1) Certainly yes 2.0%
2) Yes 33.1%
3) No 41.6%
4) Certainly no 15.6%
5) DK-NA 7.8%
26) And when do you think a reconciliation government or a government of
experts will be established?
1) Within days 1.1%
2) Within weeks 10.5%
3) After a long time 46.5%
4) It will not be established 32.3%
5) DK/NA 9.5%
27) When do you expect presidential and parliamentary elections will take
place in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip?
1) Soon, may be this year 12.3%
2) May be in one or two years 30.7%
3) In several years 24.1%
4) There will be no presidential and parliamentary elections
simultaneously in the two areas in the future 19.9%
5) DK/NA 13.0%
28) If new parliamentary and presidential elections were to take place
now, who do you think will win, Fateh or Hamas or others?
1) Fateh 41.3%
2) Hamas 22.8%
3) Others 20.0%
4) DK/NA 15.9%
29) From among the following list, whom do you think is most suitable to
be Fateh' s presidential candidate in case president Abbas insisted on not
nominating himself in the next presidential elections?
1) Abu Mahir Ghnaim 2.7%
2) Mahmud Aloul 2.3%
3) Marwan Barghouti 52.6%
4) Nasir al Qidwa 2.2%
5) Salim al Za'noon 0.9%
6) Jibreel al Rojoub 1.2%
7) Saeb Erikat 3.3%
8) Azzam al Ahmad 1.2%
9) Ahmad Qurie' 2.1%
10) Others 14.1%
11) DK/NA 17.2%
29B) What if the list of candidates did not include Marwan Barghouti,
whom would you in this case find most suitable to be Fateh's presidential
candidate from among those remaining in the list?
1) Abu Mahir Ghnaim 8.8%
2) Mahmud Aloul 7.9%
4) Nasir al Qidwa 8.3%
5) Salim al Za'noon 2.1%
6) Jibreel al Rojoub 4.3%
7) Saeb Erikat 17.0%
8) Azzam al Ahmad 5.3%
9) Ahmad Qurie' 4.3%
10) Others 20.7%
11) DK/NA 21.3%
30) What do you expect to happen between Palestinians and Israelis now
after the Kadima under the leadership of Mofaz has joined the coalition
government headed by Netanyahu?
1) The two sides will return soon to negotiations 17.7%
2) The two sides will return to negotiations but some armed attacks will
take place 31.7%
3) The two sides will not return to negotiations and some armed attacks
will take place 18.7%
4) The two sides will not return to negotiations and there will be no
armed attacks 21.0%
5) DK/NA 10.8%
31) Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails went into a hunger strike for
about a month with the goal of improving the conditions of their detention.
The strike ended with an agreement that met most of their demands. As you
satisfied or dissatisfied with the size of public participation in support
and solidarity with the prisoners during the strike?
1) Certainly satisfied 13.4%
2) Satisfied 45.4%
3) Dissatisfied 33.3%
4) Certainly dissatisfied 6.6%
5) DK/NA 1.4%
32) Have you personally participated in the various solidarity actions
with the prisoners?
1) Yes 34.9%
2) NO 65.1%
33) In your view, will the detention conditions of the prisoners now and
the future become better than they were in the past or will they remain
1) Certainly better 4.9%
2) Better 37.1%
3) Will not change 41.3%
4) Worse 12.3%
5) Certainly worse 2.8%
6) DK/NA 1.6%
34) The PA has lately arrested journalists and blocked internet sites and
then released the journalists and unblocked the sites. Do you support or
oppose the arrest of journalists and the blocking of internet sites because
of the views they express or publish?
1) Certainly support 1.2%
2) Support 5.7%
3) Oppose 59.3%
4) Certainly oppose 28.7%
5) DK/NA 5.0%
Total West Bank Gaza Strip
35) Do you feel these days that you are living in a political system that
believes in freedom and democracy for its citizens or do you feel you are
living in an undemocratic system that cracks down on freedoms?
1) Certainly democratic, believe in freedoms 4.8%
2) Democratic and believe in freedoms 24.1%
3) Undemocratic, cracks down on freedoms 44.6%
4) Certainly undemocratic and cracks down on freedoms 22.3%
5) DK/NA 4.3%
36) Do you think the measures taken by the PA in arresting journalists
and blocking internet sites benefit or hurt the Palestinian cause among
international public opinion?
1) Certainly benefit 0.8%
2) Benefit 6.8%
3) Hurt 62.2%
4) Certainly hurt 24.0%
5) DK/NA 6.3%
37) When you heard about the PA measures, in arresting journalists and
blocking internet sites, how did you feel? Did you for example feel
satisfaction, anger, or disinterest?
1) Satisfaction 3.1%
2) Anger 70.5%
3) Disinterest 21.0%
4) Other 2.1%
5) DK/NA 3.4%
38) The PA leadership has promised the Palestinians for more than a year
to seek international recognition of the state of Palestine. Do you feel
satisfied or dissatisfied with the performance of the PA leadership
regarding this matter?
1) Certainly satisfied 4.1%
2) Satisfied 44.5%
3) Dissatisfied 41.2%
4) Certainly dissatisfied 7.3%
5) DK/NA 2.8%
39) Do you feel today that the PA leadership is still seeking to obtain
international recognition of the state of Palestine or do you feel it has
abandoned that goal?
1) Certainly still seeks it 7.1%
2) Still seeks it 48.7%
3) Abandoned it 33.3%
4) Certainly abandoned it 6.0%
5) DK/NA 4.9%
40) Do you support or oppose the solution based on the establishment of a
Palestinian State alongside Israel known as the two States solution?
1) Certainly support 4.0%
2) Support 45.0%
3) Oppose 38.4%
4) Certainly oppose 10.4%
5) DK/NA 2.1%
41) Some believe that the two-state solution, an independent Palestinian
state alongside the state of Israel, is no longer viable due to settlement
expansion while others believe that it is still viable today as settlements
can be dismantled or evacuated when an agreement is reached. What do you
1) Certainly the two-state solution is no longer viable 17.3%
2) The two state solution is no longer viable 37.6%
3) The two-state solution remains viable today 28.7%
4) Certainly, the two-state solution remains viable today 10.6%
5) DK/NA 5.9%
42) Talk has recently increased about the inevitable failure of the two
state solution and the need to demand the formulation of a solution based on
the establishment of one state in all Palestinian areas and Israel, one in
which Arabs and Jews enjoy equality. Do you support or oppose this view?
1) Certainly support 4.3%
2) Support 27.0%
3) Oppose 47.3%
4)Certainly oppose 17.9%
5) DK/NA 3.5%
43) Now more than 45 years after the Israeli occupation of the West Bank
and the Gaza Strip, what in your view are the chances for the establishment
of an independent Palestinian state next to the state of Israel in the next
five years? Are they high, medium, low, or none existent?
1) None existent 27.7%
2) Low 39.9%
3) Medium 27.1%
4) High 3.1%
5) DK/NA 2.2%
44) To what extent are you worried or not worried that you or a member of
your family could be hurt by Israel in your daily life or that your land
would be confiscated or home demolished?
1) Very Worried 26.0%
2) Worried 47.7%
3) Not worried 20.6%
4) Not worried at all 5.2%
5) DK/NA 0.4%
45) What do you think are the aspirations of Israel for the long run?
1) Withdrawal from the territories it occupied in 1967 after
guaranteeing its security 7.2%
2) Withdrawal form part of the occupied territories after guaranteeing
its security 9.7%
3) Annexation of the West Bank while denying political rights of
Palestinian citizens 18.6%
4) Extending the borders of the state of Israel to cover all the area
between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea and expelling its Arab
citizens 62.1%
5) DK/NA 2.5%
46) According to the Saudi plan, Israel will retreat from all territories
occupied in 1967 including Gaza the West Bank, Jerusalem and the Golan
Heights, and a Palestinian state will be established. The refugees problem
will be resolved through negotiation in a just and agreed upon manner and in
accordance with UN resolution 194 which allows return of refugees to Israel
and compensation. In return, all Arab states will recognize Israel and its
right to secure borders, will sign peace treaties with her and establish
normal diplomatic relations. Do you agree or disagree to this plan?
1) Certainly agree 4.8%
2) Agree 46.5%
3) Disagree 35.7%
4)Certainly Disagree 9.2%
5) DK/NA 3.7%
47) There is a proposal that after the establishment of an independent
Palestinian state and the settlement of all issues in dispute, including the
refugees and Jerusalem issues, there will be a mutual recognition of Israel
as the state of the Jewish people and Palestine as the state of the
Palestinians people. Do you agree or disagree to this proposal?
1) Certainly agree 2.4%
2) Agree 40.3%
3) Disagree 43.1%
4) Certainly Disagree 12.1%
5) DK/NA 2.1%
48) Some Israelis talk about a new plan designed to break the stalemate
in the peace process was published in the Israeli media. These are its major
- The Israeli government will declare that it is willing to return to
negotiations anytime and that it has no claims of sovereignty on areas east
of the existing separation wall/fence
- Israel will end all settlement construction east of the fence and in the
Palestinian neighborhoods in East Jerusalem
- At the same time, Israel will prepare to bring back settlers living
outside the separation wall/fence and will establish a fair compensation
plan for them
- IDF will remain in the Palestinian territories until a final status
agreement is reached
- The proposed plan will take place either unilaterally or with Palestinian

What do you think about this plan? Is it good or bad for the Palestinians?
1) Certainly good 2.6%
2) Good 32.6%
3) Bad 44.5%
4) Certainly bad 14.5%
5) Dk/NA 5.9%
49) What are the chances of this plan would be implemented by the
Netanyahu government?
1) Non-existent 35.5%
2) Low 33.5%
3) Medium 18.9%
4) High 5.2%
5) DK/NA 6.8%
50) The Israeli Kadima party, led by Mofaz, has joined Netanyah's
government. Do you expect the new government will be more or less willing to
reach a peace agreement with the Palestinians or will the change make no
1) Will be more ready 11.6%
2) will be less ready 53.6%
3) Will not make a difference 26.4%
4) DK/NA 8.4%
Now that negotiations between Palestinians and Israelis have stopped,
would you support or oppose the following option in the search for achieving
Palestinian rights?
50-1) Going to the Security Council to obtain a recognition of a
Palestinian state
1) Certainly support 19.5%
2) Support 53.1%
3) Oppose 22.0%
4) Certainly oppose 3.8%
5) DK/NA 1.6%
50-2) Unilaterally declare the establishment of a Palestinian state
1) Certainly support 12.8%
2) Support 45.4%
3) Oppose 34.9%
4) Certainly oppose 4.9%
5) DK/NA 2.0%
50-3) Abandon the two state solution and demand the establishment of one
state for Palestinians and Israelis
1) Certainly support 3.7%
2) Support 22.6%
3) Oppose 56.9%
4) Certainly oppose 14.5%
5) DK/NA 2.2%
50-4) Resort to popular non violent and unarmed resistance
1) Certainly support 9.4%
2) Support 47.7%
3) Oppose 33.5%
4) Certainly oppose 7.3%
5) DK/NA 2.2%

50-5) Return to the armed intifada and confrontations
1) Certainly support 11.1%
2) Support 25.6%
3) Oppose 52.4%
4) Certainly oppose 9.0%
5) DK/NA 2.0%

West Bank
1) Certainly support 5.6%
2) Support 22.6%
3) Oppose 62.0%
4) Certainly oppose 8.0%
5) DK/NA 1.8%
Gaza Strip
1) Certainly support 21.6%
2) Support 31.3%
3) Oppose 33.8%
4) Certainly oppose 10.9%
5) DK/NA 2.4%

50-6) Dissolve the Palestinian Authority
1) Certainly support 8.0%
2) Support 31.2%
3) Oppose 44.4%
4) Certainly oppose 10.8%
5) DK/NA 5.6%
52) The Israeli Kadima party, led by Mofaz, has joined Netanyah's
government. Do you expect the new government will be more or less willing to
reach a peace agreement with the Palestinians or will the change make no
1) Certainly it will be positive 11.7%
2) It will be positive 37.6%
3) It will be negative 18.0%
4) Certainly it will be negative 4.5%
5) Will have no impact, positive or negative 24.8%
6) DK/NA 3.3%
53) Nour party which represents Salafists won about 25% of the popular
vote in the Egyptian parliamentary elections. If a Salafist party is to be
established in Palestine, do you think you would or would not vote for it?
1) Certainly will vote for it 4.1%
2) Will vote for it 22.7%
3) Will not vote for it 48.0%
4) Certainly will not vote for it 14.7%
5) DK/NA 10.5%
54) Now after the announcement of the results of the Egyptian
presidential elections in Egypt, what do you think about these results? Are
you convinced that these results serve or do not serve Palestinian interests
and the Palestinian cause?
1) Fully convinced 11.6%
2) Convinced somewhat 28.0%
3) Not convinced 21.3%
4) Not convinced at all 11.9%
5) Convinced the results will have no impact 5.1%
6) DK/NA 22.1%
54-1) Who do you think won in the Egyptian Presidential race?
1) Morsi 63.7%
2) Shfiq 20.3%
3) Don’t know 14.6%
4) Others 1.4%
55) Recently, debate increased over the issue of the benefits and harms
that could come from visits of Arabs and Muslims today to Jerusalem. What do
you think? Do you think there is a benefit or no benefit for Palestinians
from such visits?
1) Certainly benefit 20.4%
2) Benefit 51.3%
3) No benefit 22.3%
4) Certainly no benefit 2.8%
5) DK/NA 3.3%
56) Concerning armed attacks against Israeli civilians inside Israel, I….
1) Certainly support 10.9%
2) Support 31.1%
3) Oppose 48.0%
4) Certainly oppose 7.7%
5) DK/NA 2.3%
West Bank
1) Certainly support 6.0%
2) Support 23.9%
3) Oppose 58.2%
4) Certainly oppose 9.7%
5) DK/NA 2.3%
Gaza Strip
1) Certainly support 20.6%
2) Support 45.2%
3) Oppose 28.2%
4) Certainly oppose 3.7%
5) DK/NA 2.3%

57) Which of the following political parties do you support?
1) PPP 0.6%
2) PFLP 3.4%
3) Fateh 30.9%
4) Hamas 18.1%
5) DFLP 1.5%
6) Islamic Jihad 2.3%
7) Fida 0.2%
8) National initiative (Almubadara) 0.6%
9) Independent Islamist 2.9%
10) Independent nationalist 3.0%
11) Third way headed by Salam Fayyad 0.9%
12) None of the above 34.3%
13) Others 1.3%
58) If you use the internet to surf social sites like Facebook, Twitter,
and various groups or to access email, how many times do you normally do
1) More than once a day 12.0%
2) Daily 18.4%
3) Between 2-5 times weekly 11.4%
4) Once a week 6.4%
5) Once a month 5.4%
6)Others (specify -----) 0.0%
7) Does not apply—I have no email and do not visit social sites 46.4%
This PSR survey was conducted with the support of the Konrad Adenauer
Stiftung in Ramallah

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