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Monday, August 25, 2014
Not a parody: Left wing moshavnik under Gaza fire - her Palestinian peacenik friend would die if revealed her views

Not a parody: Left wing moshavnik under Gaza fire - her Palestinian peacenik
friend would die if revealed her views
Dr. Aaron Lerner - IMRA 25 August 2014

In a live interview broadcast this morning on Israel Radio Reshet Bet, Roni
Keidar, resident of Netiv HaAsara, a moshav that borders on the northern
edge of the Gaza Strip and has been subject to intensive attacks, explained
that Israel should give the Palestinians what they want.

Keidar, who is a member of Other Voice, gave as her proof that Israel
should follow her policy recommendation the fact that she engages in
dialogue with a woman in Gaza in English who also seeks peace. Keidar even
meets this woman periodically when she accompanies a relative to Israel for
monthly medical treatment.

"The two sides each have to share rather than take the position that
everything is theirs." Keidar noted.

Keidar, who was being interviewed from Eilat where she was taking a break
from the ongoing attacks on her home from Gaza, explained that while she is
free to express her views in Israel, her Palestinian friend has to keep her
views about peace and reconciliation to herself as it would be "life
threatening" for her Palestinian friend if her Palestinian friend's
neighbors were to find out her views.

The reporter declined to ask Keidar to address the disconnect between her
policy recommendation that Israel give the Palestinians what they want with
her belief that Palestinian society would murder an innocent Palestinian
only because they advocate peace and reconciliation with Israel.
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