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Wednesday, December 6, 2006
Position paper of Arab Israeli group calls for end to Jewish immigration?

Position paper of Arab Israeli group calls for end to Jewish immigration?
Dr. Aaron Lerner 6 December 2006

A position paper prepared by Dr. Yousef Jabareen on behalf of the Mossawa
Center the Advocacy Center for Arab Citizens in Israel titled "Constitution
Based on Equality for All?: On the Constitution and the Collective Rights
of Arab Citizens in Israel" was released last December 1st at a Legal
Conference on the Status of the Arab Community in Israel held by the Mossawa

For the complete Hebrew text:

Among the recommendations:

"8. Equality and fairness in immigration and granting of citizenship: The
granting of the right to immigrate to the State and the granting of
citizenship in it are part of the central resources of the State, and they
have a great influence on the standing of the Arab minority in Israel. The
allocation of immigration and citizenship quotas expresses the power of the
State, and it should operate them in a fair, just and equal way."
Page 50

It would appear that this means putting an end to the special right of Jews
around the world to immigrate to and receive citizenship in Israel.

Mossawa receive funding from the New Israel Fund

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