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Thursday, December 6, 2007
Poll: Support large military operation in Gaza 41.4%:38.7%, Oppose Israel attacking Iranian nuclear facilities alone 67.2%:20.9%

Poll: Support large military operation in Gaza 41.4%:38.7%, Oppose Israel
attacking Iranian nuclear facilities alone 67.2%:20.9%
Dr. Aaron Lerner Date: 6 December 2007
Telephone poll of a representative sample of 562 adult Israelis (including
Arab Israelis) carried out by Shvakim Panorama for Israel Radio's Hakol
Diburim (It's All Talk) on 5 December 2007 [after US intelligence report on
Iran published]

Do you support or oppose a large military operation in the Gaza Strip?
Total: Support 41.4% Oppose 38.7% Other 19.9%
Kadima voters: Support 38.7% Oppose 36.7% Other 24.6%
Likud voters: Support 79.1% Oppose 17.3% Other 3.6%
Labor voters: Support 23.3% Oppose 46.5% Other 30.2%

Should Israel depose Hamas rule using military force and put Abu Mazen [AL:
aka Mahmoud Abbas] and the Fatah movement back in power in the Gaza Strip?
Total: Support: 38.7% Oppose 39.0% Other 22.3%
Kadima voters: Support 51.9% Oppose 40.3% Other 7.7%
Likud voters:: Support 84.2% Oppose 2.8% Other 12.9%
Labor voters: Support 22.0% Oppose 54.7% Other 23.3%

Should Israel attack Iran's nuclear facilities alone?
Total: Yes 20.9% No 67.2% Other 11.9%
Kadima voters: Yes 16.3% No 83.7%
Likud voters: Yes 30.9% No 45.3% Other 23.7%
Labor voters: Yes 11.0% No 84.9% Other 4.1%

Do you support or oppose the National Labor Court's decision to stop the
[AL: high school] teacher's strike?
Support 51.9% Oppose 38.1% Other 10.0%

In the wake of the decision of the National Labor Court, should Minister of
Education Yuli Tamir resign?
Total: Yes 34.0% No 38.7% Other 27.3%
Labor voters: Yes 26.1% No 61.6% Other 12.3%

In the wake of the decision of the National Labor Court should the chairman
of the high school teacher's union, Ran Erez, resign?
Yes 40.8% No 28.0% Other 31.2%

Dr. Aaron Lerner, Director IMRA (Independent Media Review & Analysis)
(mail POB 982 Kfar Sava)
Tel 972-9-7604719/Fax 972-3-7255730
INTERNET ADDRESS: imra@netvision.net.il
Website: http://www.imra.org.il

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