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Sunday, April 13, 2008
MFA: Gaza - Israeli Aid and Hamas Attacks

MFA: Gaza - Israeli Aid and Hamas Attacks
(Communicated by the Foreign Ministry Spokesman)Sunday, 13 April, 2008

In the past 24 hours, a mortar bomb fell in the area of Nir Oz, near a group
of local authority heads. No injuries were reported.

Also today, 121 humanitarian aid trucks carrying rice, sugar, oil, fruit and
dairy products have been transferred to Gaza via the Sufa and Kerem Shalom

It should be noted that in recent weeks, the Palestinians have been
attempting to generate an energy crisis by failing to withdraw from fuel
supplies available to them at the Palestinian terminal of the Nahal Oz fuel
depot. Moreover, Hamas bears responsibility for the murderous 9.4.08 attacks
on Israeli workers at the Nahal Oz fuel depot, which has caused some
disruption in the terminal's service in recent days. Yet at the same time,
they have been instigating a strike and protest.

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