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Monday, May 19, 2008
An-Najah Poll of Palestinians: reject two state solution 57.6%:39.5%;Suport ealy Presidential elections 67.9%: 24.7%, Strong support for Fatah over Hamas 40.1%:17.5%

Results of Palestinian Public Opinion Poll
No. 34 15-17 May 2008

An-Najah National University
Center for Opinion Polls and Survey Studies
Tel: (972) (9) 2345113 Fax: (972)(9) 2345982
Nablus - Palestinian: P.O.Box 7, 707
Email: Polls@najah.edu hussein596@yahoo.com

Following are the results of the Palestinian Public Opinion Poll No. 34
conducted by the Center for Opinion Polls and Survey Studies at An-Najah
National University during the period from 15-17 May 2008. The University
sponsors all polls conducted by its Center.

The sample included 1360 persons whose age group is 18 and above and who
have the right to vote. The enclosed questionnaire was distributed on 800
persons from the West Bank and 500 persons from the Gaza Strip. The sample
was drawn randomly and the margin of error is about +/-3%; still 5.8% of the
members of the sample refused to answer the questionnaire.
The opinions represented in the results reflect those of the study; they do
not, by any means, represent the opinion of An-Najah National University.


In view of the last Israeli operations against the Gaza Strip, do you
support or reject resuming political negotiations between the Palestinian
authority and Israel?
17.4% I strongly support
39.1% I support
24.2% I reject
15.9% I strongly reject
3.4% No opinion/I do not know

Do you support or reject a truce (hudna) that starts in the Gaza Strip and
extends to the West Bank?
20.8% I strongly support
50.7% I support
15.7% I reject
10.4% I strongly reject
2.3% No opinion/I do not know

A group of Palestinian factions accepted a hudna with Israel that begins in
the Gaza Strip and extends to the west Bank. Do you support or reject the
position of these factions?
20.8% I strongly support
51.4% I support
17.1% I reject
8.2% I strongly reject
2.6% No opinion/I do not know

Do you think that Israel will accept the hudna that Hamas and a group of
Palestinian factions offered?
10.4% Yes
34.9% May be
50.5% No
4.3% No opinion/I do not know

Do you think that the imminent visit of President Bush to the area will
lead to pushing the peace process between Israel and the Palestinian
Authority ahead?
13.2% Yes
79.3% No
7.5% No opinion/I do not know

Who, in your opinion, is responsible for the on-going internal Palestinian
14.0% Fateh movement
24.4% Hamas movement
47.0% Some persons from inside the two movements
6.8% Others (specify)
7.7% No opinion/I do not know

Who, in your opinion, is responsible for the failure to implement the Sana'a
Agreement between Fateh and Hamas?
15.4% Fateh movement
24.6% Hamas movement
42.6% Some persons from inside the two movements
4.6% Others (specify)
12.9% No opinion/I do not know

Do you support or reject the creation of two states on the historic land of
Palestine (a Palestinian state and Israel)?
39.5% I support
57.6% I reject
2.9% No opinion/I do not know

Do you support or reject the creation of a Palestinian state on the 1967
occupied territories?
68.5% I support
28.2% I reject
3.3% No opinion/I do not know

Do you think that the negotiations that President Mahmoud Abbas is
conducting will lead to the creation of a Palestinian state on the 1967
occupied territories?
36.3% Yes
54.1% No
9.6% No opinion/I do not know

Do you think that the Palestinian resistance in its present form will lead
to the creation of a Palestinian state on the 1967 occupied territories?
41.2% Yes
50.7% No
8.1% No opinion/I do not know

Do you support or reject resorting to dialogue between the Palestinian
Presidency in Ramallah and the dissolved government in the Gaza Strip?
42.7% I strongly support
45.4% I support
7.1% I reject
3.2% I strongly reject
1.5% No opinion/I do not know

Do you think that Fateh is seriously interested in a dialogue with Hamas?
48.8% Yes
41.1% No
10.1% No opinion/I do not know

Do you think that Hamas is seriously interested in a dialogue with Fateh?
40.1% Yes
49.9% No
10.1% No opinion/I do not know

In general, do you think that the current Palestinian leaderships with their
different denominations are really capable of saving the Palestinian people
from the miserable political situation the live?
21.1% Yes
39.3% No
39.6% No opinion/I do not know

Do you think that there is an on-going communication between Hamas and the
United States?
36.7% Yes
41.9% No
21.4% No opinion/I do not know

Do you think that there is an on-going communication between Hamas and the
European Union?
49.5% Yes
27.5% No
23.0% No opinion/I do not know

Do you think that opening the Rafah Crossing for three days this week was
meant to defuse the crisis in the Gaza Strip?
51.3% Yes
41.4% No
7.3% No opinion/I do not know

Do you think that opening the Rafah Crossing is considered an initial step
toward ending the crisis in the Gaza Strip?
44.5% Yes
49.8% No
5.7% No opinion/I do not know

Do you think that Hamas was able to convince the Egyptians that it is
capable of running Rafah Crossing by itself solely?
29.9% Yes
57.6% No
12.5% No opinion/I do not know

Do you think that the corruption charges against the Israeli Prime minister
Olmert will affect the negotiation track between the Palestinians and the
52.3% Yes
40.8% No
6.9% No opinion/I do not know

How do you assess the performance of the Palestinian Presidency at the
present time?
59.4% Good
32.7% Bad
7.9% No opinion/I do not know

Regardless of its legitimacy or illegitimacy, do you support or reject the
general policy of the Palestinian government led by Salam Fayyad?
49.3% I support
40.1% I reject
10.5% No opinion/I do not know

Regardless of its legitimacy or illegitimacy, do you support or reject the
general policy of the dissolved government of Ismael Haniyeh?
32.1% I support
57.3% I reject
10.7% No opinion/I do not know

How do you assess the performance of Salam Fayyad's care-taker government?
49.4% Good
40.0% Bad
10.6% No opinion/I do not know

How do you assess the performance of Ismael Haniyeh's dissolved government?
33.9% Good
54.3% Bad
11.8% No opinion/I do not know

Do you support or reject dissolving the PLC?
58.2% I support
31.6% I reject
10.2% No opinion/I do not know

Do you support or reject conducting early Presidential elections?
67.9% I support
24.7% I reject
7.4% No opinion/I do not know

If presidential elections are held in the present time, to whom from among
the following do you give your vote?
6.3% An independent candidate
3.1% A candidate from the left
14.9% A candidate from Hamas
32.6% A candidate from Fateh
5.1% A national independent candidate
3.8% An Islamic independent candidate
20.4% I will not participate in the elections
13.8% I have not decided yet

If new PLC elections are conducted, whom do you vote for?
5.1% An independent ticket
3.5% A ticket from the left
16.2% A ticket from Hamas
32.8% A ticket from Fateh
5.1% A national independent ticket
4.0% An Islamic independent ticket
19.3% I will not participate in the elections
14.0% I have not decided yet

If new legislative elections were to be held today, which of the following
would win?
6.4% Independent Islamists bloc
7.2% Independent Nationalist bloc
45.4% Fateh bloc
20.5% Hamas bloc
1.4% A bloc from leftist organizations
20.9% No opinion/I do not know

The Palestinian Government began a security campaign in the city of Jenin to
impose order and the rule of law on the city. Do you think that the campaign
will succeed?
54.5% It will succeed
31.3% It will fail
14.3% No opinion/I do not know

The Palestinian Government had started a security campaign in the city of
Nablus to impose order and the rule of law on the city. Do believe that the
campaign succeeded in Nablus?
49.6% It succeeded
31.1% It failed
19.3% No opinion/I do not know

Do you think that the Palestinian security forces are capable of imposing
law and order on the areas in which they were redeployed?
59.9% Yes
31.0% No
9.1% No opinion/I do not know

Do you support or reject the notion that Palestinian arms should be in the
hands of Palestinian security apparatuses, and that any other arms in the
hands of other Palestinian men will be considered arms for racketeering
65.5% I support
31.2% I reject
3.3% No opinion/I do not know

If you are an employee and you are offered an early retirement, will you
accept or reject the offer?
40.2% I accept
51.3% I reject
8.5% No opinion/I do not know

Are you worried about your life under the present circumstances?
58.7% Yes
39.7% No
1.6% No opinion/I do not know

Are you pessimistic or optimistic towards the general Palestinian situation
at this stage?
35.2% Optimistic
62.8% Pessimistic
2.0% No opinion/I do not know

Under the present circumstances, do you feel that you, your family and your
properties are safe?
17.7% Yes
33.6% May be
48.7% No

Which of the following political affiliations do you support?
0.5% People's Party
0.9% Democratic Front
2.6% Islamic Jihad
40.1% Fateh
17.5% Hamas
0.1% Fida
3.5% Popular Front
0.7% Palestinian National Initiative
5.4% I am an independent nationalist
3.2% I am an independent Islamist
24.4% None of the above
1.0% Others

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