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Thursday, July 3, 2008
["Absurd"] Jerusalem Magistrate's Court issues order barring publication of name of soldier who killed terrorist in Jerusalem

"Absurd" Jerusalem Magistrate's Court issues order barring publication of
name of
soldier who killed terrorist in Jerusalem

Dr. Aaron Lerner - IMRA 3 July 2008

"I thought I have seen everything - but this is the most absurd thing that
has ever happened," a source in the Israel Courts Administration told IMRA
this morning. "At 8:00 PM, after the soldier was interviewed by name by the
entire media the [Jerusalem Magistrate's] Court issued an order barring the
publishing the name of the soldier who killed the terrorist in Jerusalem.
We still don't have a copy of the order in our office so we don't know yet
what logic may hide behind this decision."

The soldier's face is blurred in photographs appearing in the Israeli
newspapers today and his name has been reduced to the letter "Mem".

IMRA was unable to clarify why the identity of the soldier - who according
to Yediot Ahronot, had to fight the IDF for two years to get drafted (the
IDF did not want to draft him because he had been an anti-disengagement
activist), is now barred from publication.

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