Wednesday, January 28, 2009 |
Israel accused of providing food and blankets to potential terrorists it isolated during operations in Gaza Strip |
Dr. Aaron Lerner - IMRA: The IDF gathered potential terrorists (namely men This is not using them as "human shields" - this is isolating them in a If the IDF wanted to use them as human shields they would have positioned Israel accused of using farmers as human shields METHODS used by the Israel Defence Forces in their assault on the Gaza Strip Palestinian farmers from the neighbourhood of al-Atatra, about 10 kilometres Samir Abu Dayer, 59, a farmer, said soldiers occupied several hectares of A sandpit roughly the size of an Olympic pool, with four walls about two According to Mr Dayer, and several other residents whose houses bordered the Told to strip to his underwear, Mr Dayer said his hands were tied behind his Mohammed Madhoun, 22, a media and public relations student at the Al-Aqsa "I was told to take off my clothes by one soldier, told to put them on again Ali Ajramy, 39, a tailor, thrust his hands forward to show the sores on his "I was taken into this prison," he said. "And I was told to be quiet and The three were among about 85 men who were moved into the sandpit area and They said the Israeli troops then took position around perimeter of the Empty cans of Israeli rations litter the sandpit. The soldiers dug several "After two days we were taken to Beersheva, in Israel," Mr Dayer said. "We An Israeli spokesman told Herald it did not comment on operational matters. The deputy director of the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, Jaber "We are investigating this very thoroughly," he said. |
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