"With the two-state solution, in my opinion, Israel will collapse, because
if they get out of Jerusalem, what will become of all the talk about the
Promised Land and the Chosen People? What will become of all the sacrifices
they made - just to be told to leave? They consider Jerusalem to have a
spiritual status. The Jews consider Judea and Samaria to be their historic
dream. If the Jews leave those places, the Zionist idea will begin to
collapse. It will regress of its own accord. Then we will move forward."
MEMRI: Special Dispatch | No. 2358 | May 14, 2009
Palestinian Ambassador to Lebanon Abbas Zaki: Two-State Solution Will Lead
to the Collapse of Israel
Following are excerpts from an interview with PLO Ambassador to Lebanon
Abbas Zaki, which aired on ANB TV on May 7, 2009. (To view this clip on
MEMRI TV, visit http://www.memritv.org/clip/en/2109.htm).
Also below are excerpts from other television appearances by Zaki, on New
TV, OTV, and NBN TV:
Two-State Solution Will Lead to the Collapse of Israel
ANB TV, May 7, 2009
Abbas Zaki: "What is needed is a settlement, not a hudna [truce]. After 45
years of struggle, we have the right to reach a conclusion to this conflict,
rather than extending the hudna, enabling Israel to expand on a daily basis.
"My advice is: we should not give Israel a hudna, because whenever Israel is
given a hudna, it consolidates its position and becomes more deeply rooted.
What hudna? If they do not withdraw from the 1967 lands - what hudna? Israel
will become a fact on the ground, and we will end up as small enclaves, and
should be driven out with time.
"Therefore, it is high time that we found a final, comprehensive solution.
The Arabs talk about a comprehensive solution and present initiatives, and
the world talks about a solution, yet we say: Let's stick to the hudna. No,
my friend. I personally joined Fatah somewhat belatedly, in 1962. Work out
how many years that is. Should I keep on extending the hudnas? Impossible.
We want a solution now.
"They talk about a two-state solution, and when that is achieved... Even
Ahmadinejad, leader of the rejectionists throughout the region, said he
supports a two-state solution. Nobody fools anybody.
"With the two-state solution, in my opinion, Israel will collapse, because
if they get out of Jerusalem, what will become of all the talk about the
Promised Land and the Chosen People? What will become of all the sacrifices
they made - just to be told to leave? They consider Jerusalem to have a
spiritual status. The Jews consider Judea and Samaria to be their historic
dream. If the Jews leave those places, the Zionist idea will begin to
collapse. It will regress of its own accord. Then we will move forward."
I Support Suicide Bombings in Israel
New TV, January 6, 2009 (to view this clip on MEMRI TV, visit
Interviewer: "I asked you earlier if you support martyrdom operations today,
and you said that the Israelis are afraid both of the Palestinian stones and
Abbas Zaki: "First of all, in light of the blood that is being shed in Gaza,
and the crying of the men - not only of the women... The hardest thing is to
watch the men crying in Gaza. I now support any operation that will make the
women and men in Israel cry. When the Al-Qassam Brigades and all the other
forces were told to strike everywhere, I expected things to be carried out
quickly. All those who always flex their muscles, and say they want to
slaughter Israel - this is their opportunity. Soon, the world will view us
as those responsible for the crime. Currently, in light of what is happening
to the children of Gaza, any martyrdom operation is permissible, I swear by
Interviewer:"Do you call for such operations to be launched from the West
Bank as well? Some people are asking: What can the people of the Gaza Strip
do right now? Perhaps now, with the land invasion, they will be able to act.
But do you really call upon the people of the West Bank to carry out
martyrdom operations?"
Abbas Zaki: "The people of the West Bank are active day and night - with
stones, with demonstrations, all the people have taken to the streets. You
asked me if I support, in light of this bloodshed... Don't forget we're
Arabs - we believe in blood vengeance. No one can treat our blood like
water. We should have afflicted them with three or four operations, and then
their women would have said to those sons of bitches: 'Come home, we are
getting killed here.' When Israel focuses on one front, other fronts should
be activated."
We Consider the U.S to Be an Enemy Country
OTV, November 7, 2008 (to view this clip on MEMRI TV, visit
Abbas Zaki: "We consider the U.S. to be an enemy because its only strategic
alliance is with Israel."
Interviewer: "How could you possibly accept your enemy in your land?"
Abbas Zaki: "What do you mean? We meet even with Israel."
Interviewer: "How can you consider Israel to be your enemy, if you signed a
peace treaty with it?"
Abbas Zaki: "Allow me... This enemy... If I had the capabilities of the
U.S. - would I be fighting it or negotiating with it?"
Interviewer: "Israel ceased being an enemy once you signed a peace treaty
with it. I don't know how it could be your enemy. Do you talk to the
Israelis as if they were your enemies? Do you talk to Israel as a friendly
or enemy country?"
Abbas Zaki: "An enemy country, which owes us certain things. The heroic
Vietnamese used to negotiate with the French, while they were slaughtering
Interviewer: "I can assure you that in his speeches, Abu Mazen says the U.S.
is a friendly country."
Abbas Zaki: "Well, this isn't true. Perhaps Abu Mazen, in his position,
needs to use diplomatic language, but he is the greatest critic of the U.S."
We Act According to the Phased Plan; Once We Get Jerusalem, We Will Move On
to Drive Israelis Out of All of Palestine
NBN TV, April 9, 2008 (to view this clip on MEMRI TV, visit
Abbas Zaki: "We believe wholeheartedly that the Right of Return is
guaranteed by our will, by our weapons, and by our faith."
Interviewer: "Do you still believe in weapons, not just in negotiations?"
Abbas Zaki: "The use of weapons alone will not bring results, and the use of
politics without weapons will not bring results. We act on the basis of our
extensive experience. We analyze our situation carefully. We know what
climate leads to victory and what climate leads to suicide. We talk
politics, but our principles are clear. It was our pioneering leader, Yasser
Arafat, who persevered with this revolution, when empires collapsed. Our
armed struggle has been going on for 43 years, and the political struggle,
on all levels, has been going on for 50 years. We harvest U.N. resolutions,
and we shame the world so that it doesn't gang up on us, because the world
is led by people who have given their brains a vacation - the American
administration and the neocons."[...]
Young Palestinian: "As I recall, the invasion of 1982 and the destruction of
South Lebanon was not just in response to missile attacks, but in response
to operations as well. Israel does not use only the missiles as a pretext.
It uses any activity of the resistance as a pretext."
Abbas Zaki: "The important thing is that in any operation, Israel will pay a
price. We don't want cases in which you don't kill even a chicken, but
Israel kills 20 of you. I salute any operation that makes Israel pay a heavy
"The P.L.O. is the sole legitimate representative [of the Palestinian
people], and it has not changed its platform even one iota. In light of the
weakness of the Arab nation and the lack of values, and in light of the
American control over the world, the P.L.O. proceeds through phases, without
changing its strategy. Let me tell you, when the ideology of Israel
collapses, and we take, at least, Jerusalem, the Israeli ideology will
collapse in its entirety, and we will begin to progress with our own
ideology, Allah willing, and drive them out of all of Palestine."
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