Aaron Lerner Date: 3 October, 2000
Israel Radio reported this morning that Minister of Internal Security
and Acting Foreign Minister Shlomo Ben Ami was promised by Jibril
Rajoub, head of PA Preventive Security, that there would be no
reaction to Likud MK Arik Sharon's visit to the Temple Mount as long
as Sharon did not attempt to enter the mosque itself.Minister Ben Ami: Jibril Rajoub promised no reaction to Sharon Temple Mount visit
Aaron Lerner Date: 3 October, 2000
Israel Radio reported this morning that Minister of Internal Security
and Acting Foreign Minister Shlomo Ben Ami was promised by Jibril
Rajoub, head of PA Preventive Security, that there would be no
reaction to Likud MK Arik Sharon's visit to the Temple Mount as long
as Sharon did not attempt to enter the mosque itself. Rajoub made the
promise in a transatlantic conversation with Ben Ami while Ben Ami
was in the US.
Likud MK Gideon Ezra told IMRA yesterday attributed the disturbances
that began towards the end of Sharon's visit to the Israeli Arab MKs
who confronted Sharon on the Temple Mount.
Dr. Aaron Lerner, Director
IMRA (Independent Media Review & Analysis)
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