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Sunday, May 30, 2010
Yossi Melman: U.S. sacrificed Israel for success of NPT conference

ANALYSIS / U.S. sacrificed Israel for success of NPT conference
The conference of the signatories to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty is
a diplomatic victory for Egypt and a failure for Israel.
By Yossi Melman Haaretz Published 02:37 30.05.10 Latest update 02:37

The conference of the signatories to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty is
a diplomatic victory for Egypt and a failure for Israel. Israel can feel
sacrificed by the U.S. on the altar of a successful conference. Israel's
nuclear program, and the international assessment that it possesses an
arsenal with dozens, if not hundreds of nuclear weapons, has become a
hostage to the conference.

The U.S. preferred its overall interest in advancing the idea of limiting
nuclear weapons throughout the world, tighter inspections of nuclear
installations and the spread of nuclear technology for peaceful purposes,
over supporting Israel's needs. Therein lies the difference between the
Obama administration and the one preceding it. During the previous meeting
in 2005, the U.S. refused to accept parts of the draft document that called
on Israel to join the NPT and turned down the idea of holding talks in order
to create a region free of nuclear weapons - even at the cost of the
conference's failure. President Barack Obama and his administration opted
for success at the conference over Israel.

On the face of it, the proposal deals with Israel in a fashion similar to
the concluding document of the 1995 conference. Then, the Clinton
administration agreed to have Israel mentioned in the document so that the
"universality" of the NPT would be agreed upon. Then, too, there were
disagreements between Egypt and the non-aligned states and the United
States. However this time the decision differs and pushes forth two key
issues beyond the 1995 document.

It talks of a target date - 2012 - for holding a conference, and appointing
a special coordinator who will visit the region and hold talks for holding
such a conference. However, that is still very far removed from the
possibility that Israel will join the NPT. This is a sovereign decision of
Israel and it is not possible to impose it.

There are many understandings between Israel and the U.S., both verbal and
written, which were reiterated by the Obama administration, including the
fact that Israel will not be forced into the NPT. The U.S. also accepts
Israel's view on the subject of a nuclear-free zone in the Middle East. The
Israeli approach calls on all countries in the region to first recognize
Israel's right to exist, sign peace agreements, enter into security
arrangements, limit conventional arsenals and also non-conventional
weapons - including chemical and biological agents in their arsenals, and
their missile delivery systems.

Only then will it be possible to begin discussions on a nuclear-free zone.
On Friday the U.S. expressed its "serious reservations" at the end of the
conference regarding the holding of a conference in 2012. National Security
Adviser James Jones said that peace in the Middle East and compliance by all
countries in the region - hinting at Iran - of their commitment to the NPT
are preconditions to a region free of weapons of mass destruction.

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