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Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Dahaf Poll of Israeli Arabs: 76%:18% concerned more about sectorial problems than Israeli-Palestinian conflict, 74%:24% confident in the Arab MKs

Dahaf Poll of Israeli Arabs: 76%:18% concerned more about sectorial
problems than Israeli-Palestinian conflict, 74%:24% confident in the Arab

Dr. Aaron Lerner - IMRA 24 January 2012


The survey is based on the responses of a representative sample of Israeli
Arabs (N = 250) interviews were conducted by Dahaf Institute on 17 January
2012 for the Knesset Channel. Margin of Error 6.2 +/- percentage points.

1. Was the High Court right or not right when it decided not to allow
Palestinians married to Israelis to live with their spouses in Israel?
Right 15%
No right 83%
Did not respond 2%

2. Is the Israeli Arab population deprived or not deprived?
Deprived 66%
Not deprived 27%
Did not respond 7%

3. Do you confidence in the Arab Knesset members?
Have confidence 74%
There is no trust 24%
Did not respond 2%

4. Who is primarily served by the Arab parties - the interests of the Arab
public in Israel, or the interests of the Palestinians?
Mainly the interests of the Israeli Arab public 57%
Mainly the interests of the Palestinians 18%
Both 15%
Not the Arabs in Israel and the Palestinians 9%
Did not respond 1%

5. Do you know or not know the platforms of the Arab parties?
Know a great extent 6%
Know to some extent 58%
Know to a lesser extent 14%
I do not know 17%
Did not respond 5%

6. Did the participation of MK Haneen Zoubi in the incident of the Turkish
flotilla (Marmara) hurt the Arab public in Israel, or good for the Arab
public in Israel, or neither hurt nor helped?
Hurt 17%
Helped 44%
Did not hurt and did nothing 30%
Did not respond 9%

7. Are you for or against that more Arab women will enter politics?
For 80%
Against 18%
Did not respond 2%

8. Will events in the Arab countries, termed the Arab Spring, increase your
tendency to vote for the Knesset, or reduce it, or not will be affected?
Would increase 35%
Reduce 25%
This will not affect 34%
Did not respond 5%

9. What bothers you more - the Palestinian Israeli conflict, or various
problems that exist in the Arab sector in Israel?
Israeli-Palestinian conflict 18%
Various problems that exist in the Arab sector in Israel 76%
Did not respond 6%

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