New Wave Poll: 92.7% Proud to be Israeli, 9.3% would live abroad if could,
74.3% good living in Israel
Dr. Aaron Lerner - IMRA 24 April 2012
[Dr. Aaron Lerner - IMRA:
Telephone poll carried out by New Wave for Yisrael Hayom of a
representative sample of 500 adult Israeli Jews and published on 25 April
To what extent are you proud to be an Israeli?
Very proud 69.9% Considerably proud 22.8%
Not so proud 3.9% Not proud at all 1.2%
Don' know 2.3%
On the eve of Israel Independence Day do you plan to fly an Israeli flag at
your home or on your car?
Yes 82.7% No 15.9% Don't know 1.4%
Do you see yourself as:
64.7% First a Jew, only after that an Israeli
20.7% First an Israeli and only after that a Jew
14.7% Don't know, refuse reply
Do you feel a connection to the Jews in the Diaspora?
Yes 81.9% No 11.5% Don't know 6.5%
In 2012 is the State of Israel a good country to live in?
Yes 74.3% No 17.2% Don't know 8.6%
What do you most like in Israel
People 20.2% Feeling of joint destiny 16.4% National character 13.1%
Sea coast 9.4% Weather 5.1%
Cultural life 5.0% Nature and scenery 20.1%
Don't know 10.7%
If it were up to you, where would you prefer to live?
Israel 80.1% Overseas 9.3% Don't know 14.2%
Of the following events, which is the most significant for you in the course
of Independence Day?
52.5% Torch lighting ceremony
14.9% Bible Contest
13.4% IAF flyover/Naval flotilla
7.3% Israel Prize ceremony
8.3% None of the above
3.8% Don't know
What do you plan to do on Independence Day? [respondents could answer more
than one]
Barbeque 35.8% Hike 33.5% Stay at home 29.4%
Don't know 5.1% None of the above 4.7%
What is most Israeli?
Helping others 30.0%
Barbeque 14.2% "Yala Bye" 3.5%
Maccabee Tel Aviv Basketball 5.2% Cursing on the road 6.4%
Shimon Peres 21.0% Complaining 11.2% Don't know 8.5%
What are you most concerned about?
Economy 12.9% Security of borders 14.9%
Iranian nukes 15.5% Foreign relations 3.2% World anti-Semitism 12.1%
Personal security (violence, drugs, crime) 17.9% Road accidents 13.5%
Don't know 10.0%
Dr. Aaron Lerner, Director IMRA (Independent Media Review & Analysis)
(mail POB 982 Kfar Sava)
Tel 972-9-7604719/Fax 972-3-7255730