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Sunday, October 27, 2013
Statement on the Release of Prisoners

"It should be emphasized that any prisoner who resumes hostile activity will
be returned to serve the remainder of his sentence." *

[* This does not rule out, of course, the possibility that the same
terrorist will be released in a future gesture...]

Statement on the Release of Prisoners
(Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)

Pursuant to the Government's 28 July 2013 decision to resume the diplomatic
negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority and authorize a
ministerial team on the release of prisoners during the negotiations
the release of 26 Palestinian prisoners was approved this evening (Sunday,
27 October 2013). All of the prisoners slated for release perpetrated
offenses before the Oslo accords and served prison sentences of 19-28 years.
Twenty-one of them are from Judea and Samaria and five are from the Gaza

A list of the prisoners will be issued later this evening on the Israel
Prison Service website
after those bereaved families that asked to be notified in advance will have
been informed. The releases will be carried out at least 48 hours after the
list is published.

It should be emphasized that any prisoner who resumes hostile activity will
be returned to serve the remainder of his sentence.

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